Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] that [conj] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But I fear that if this pill is licensed , access to surgical abortion may be reduced .
2 However , I believe that if Scottish Enterprise has the matter in hand , it could not be better dealt with .
3 I am very much in favour of doing that and I guess that since this conference has got the environment on its agenda we may hope to hear bright new suggestions of how to avoid dilemmas of that kind .
4 Then I thought that if this man succeeded in cutting a hole in the side of the carriage and escaping through it , there would be an obligation on me to go out after him .
5 myself , I think that if any thing happens to Keith which is obviously he 's not gon na live a long life if any thing happens to him I , I myself I reckon she 'll go back to London , because she 's got absolutely nothing here she 's got a cousin although , I do n't think she 'd move in , in with her cousin
6 To love someone means that when that person dies we can suffer sorrow upon sorrow .
7 We believe that they were present at his meeting with Keightley not least because of KP 79 which records that COS Eighth Army was to visit the Commander of 5 Corps on 13 May .
8 An alternative means of finding the constant coefficients A i in the partial fraction expansion of equation ( 11.36 ) emerges upon multiplying through that equation by the factor ( ) to give which reveals that Although this relation is not immediately helpful because the factor ( ) is zero when , it must be appreciated that G(s) here is the ratio , , of a numerator to denominator polynomial in s in which where Q(s) is another polynomial in s .
9 There is , however , some American authority which suggests that if this case were being heard in the American courts the answer would be likely to be in favour of granting a declaration in these circumstances : see In re A.C. ( 1990 ) 573 A.2d 1235 , 1240 , 1246–1248 , 1252 .
10 It was , however , Lord Denning M.R. himself in Schmit v. Secretary of State for Home Affairs , who stated that while natural justice could apply to an administrative act , it would depend upon whether the individual had some right , interest , or legitimate expectation such that it would not be fair to deprive him of it , without a hearing .
11 sharing your life with someone , you want to be with that person and you know that if any thing happens you 've got that person to rely on and I think if your alone you do n't have that .
12 Writing to him would do no good , she knew that before that idea could land .
13 Furthermore , she argues that unless some inroad is made now into reducing or containing the problem of street crime , the loss of community will spread outwards , like a cancerous growth , to desirable middle-class areas in the city .
14 Would you say that if this pattern were to be repeated all through the night we would run out of dry-roasted nuts just before the important watershed of midnight , whereas we would still have a surplus of the ordinary variety ?
15 She suggested that if each Teacher enrolled just TWO members before the end of the year our CHAIRMAN would have more confident in our Development Plan and feel happier when facing the Sports Council .
16 She believes that before any adult can reach his or her full potential , they must first turn their attention to healing the hurt child within .
17 We fear that if said concession is ended , as proposed , that this may have an adverse effect on employment at the Tynagh Mine and consequently on the economy of Loughrea and District where there is already much unemployment .
18 The implication relies on some very general expectation of interactional co-operation , which allows one to assume that if one utterance calls for a response ( and the request in ( i ) does so ) , then one may assume ( other things being equal ) that a following utterance is a relevant response ( see Chapters 3 and 6 ) .
19 We showed that if general relativity is correct , any reasonable model of the universe must start with a singularity .
20 Since the national income of a country is a measurement of the output of the final goods and services produced by that country in a year , can we conclude that if national income rises from one year to the next , economic welfare must also rise ?
21 The atmosphere which is evoked in the reading of the poem is one of hopelessness , of resignation , of dark depression and sadness alleviated only by the concluding couplet through which we understand that although oncoming death seems to ‘ take away ’ everything from him , his beloved still remains and can see the glimmers of life through desolation .
22 We believe that if real progress is made in extending public rights of access to the countryside and making these rights a practical reality , it may be possible to negotiate a more flexible approach in an atmosphere of trust .
23 We believe that if this practice became general , consumers would become better aware both of the advantages to them of establishing a ‘ good ’ credit record and of their potential part in putting right any rare mistakes in their credit record .
24 In this way , following Marx , they contend that if military expenditure and involvement in society and politics has increased , then it must in some way be functional for the survival of capitalism as an economic system .
25 So when the Jews arrived on board from a mainland where they had been despised , systematically humiliated and imprisoned , they discovered that although this ship was legally still part of Germany , flew the swastika and had large portraits of Hitler in its public rooms , the Germans with whom they had dealings were courteous , attentive and even obedient .
26 They believe that if socialist revolution has not arrived today , it will come tomorrow .
27 They reckon that if each machine brought in $192 a day ( a claim the Las Vegas experts call unrealistic ) , and if the owners let the state pocket 90% of it , the state could earn more than $196m a year ; and it could put the money towards education .
28 Nevertheless , they claim that if syntactic analysis is guided by semantic cues then the relative difficulty of different syntactic forms should not be constant .
29 Second , they argue that because human intervention is involved in the production of transgenic plants or animals , they have somehow ceased to be biological and thus patentable .
30 He argued that though historical materialism had satisfactorily explained the forms and conditions of human reality it had never established theoretically the validity of its own existence , never shown how it constituted not just the substance of reality but its logical form as well .
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