Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] that [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Then I realized that over the years the white wedding dress had become yellow , and the flowers in her hair had died , and the bride inside the dress had grown old .
2 I told Northcliffe that if his people would make enquiries at our Central Office , he would find that our nightly regiment of speakers was at least as well worth reporting as the Radical contingent , but that I realized that from the Press point of view , no doubt , our speakers did not play up to the reporters by handing them their speeches in advance , and by other tricks of the kind to which the Radical orators have recourse .
3 And I liken that to the power from above which can execute our sinful selves .
4 She sounded ill-tempered and I realised that in the absence of me , Syl and Lili she must have dined alone with Mrs Monro and Robert and the gallery owner .
5 I judge that in the time it takes the lift to creep the height of the building I have to be out the door and on my way .
6 I trust that in the light of this letter you will now be able to lend your support to the proposals being put to the Finance Committee on 9 December 1992 .
7 In fact , as I have developed this chapter , I realise that within the definition I am using they are exactly the same thing .
8 Given the date , it was then a question of working backwards and consulting an old diary ; and I found that during the period in question I was in India for Panorama .
9 On checking through the Division list , I found that among the Members who sadly threw out that advanced piece of legislation were the right hon. Member for Norfolk , South ( Mr. MacGregor ) and other interesting names .
10 Nobody will blame me if I say that in the circumstances I became very uneasy .
11 I think that the hon. Gentleman will know what I mean when I say that in the context of coming towards the end of a particular available time , whether it is the time for talks or the time for a general election , there is reluctance among certain parties — and I make this remark generally — to turn their cards face upwards if there is any danger that other people will not have turned their cards face upwards by the time the whistle blows .
12 erm I think in a way to , as many a parent knows , to act instantly , cause some pain , and then let the matter drop , is a very good system in some senses , but is it , is it a good thing to have happening in the middle of traffic ? erm I suggest that on the whole something might be gained if this was tried here .
13 In my message for World Communications Day last year , I mentioned that among the realities we celebrate on this annual occasion are the God-given gifts of speech , of hearing and of sight which make communication possible between us .
14 I told that to the American who came to my office and made the offer .
15 When I visited Pucklechurch , the remand centre outside Bristol which was virtually destroyed during the riots , I noted that among the graffiti painted by prisoners during the riot there were slogans promising solidarity , not merely with Bristol and Strangeways prisoners as one might have expected , but also with protesters against the poll tax .
16 I ca n't speak for Terry and Tom , but I imagine that as the night 's anger and frustration ebbed away , their determination had been blunted by the morning 's antics .
17 Yeah I noticed that on the top of the
18 right up the stairs , the passage and er I noticed that on the stairs not too bad you know , that hardly gets used , er
19 Once I was lying on the bed I noticed that with the appearance of Aids , there is so much more precaution — every needle , tube , cotton wool swab etc is carefully disposed of .
20 And I noticed that in the wardrobe was a spare pillow .
21 I noticed that in the report on City vs Arse , Rocastle played the 90 minutes and got no mention at all .
22 I hope that on the basis of the assurances given , two five five can be withdrawn .
23 I hope that by the time you read this report we will have got several protests off the ground .
24 I hope that in the time of the consultation they actually begin to take on board the fact that we 're talking about human beings .
25 Such writing rapidly palls , and I hope that in the novels to come , Motion can curb his reckless passion for it .
26 Nevertheless , I was left to ponder whether to have healing or not to have healing , and so concerned did I become that in the end , a wise man from the Quakers was summoned to give a judgement of Solomon .
27 Often , we would disturb huge salmon , red-dressed for spawning , and I suspect that during the days of the POW camp , salmon were a frequent supplement to meagre wartime rations .
28 I suspect that at the back of his mind there lurked a phrase from Beowulf , about those very similar monsters Grendel and his mother : no hie faeder cunnon , ‘ men know of no father for them ’ .
29 I suspect that at the moment he sees all the disadvantages and none of the advantages of committee work .
30 More money and more promotion wo n't bring him happiness and , I suspect that at the end of the day , neither will they satisfy you .
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