Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] for the [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Why is it everyone goes for the most difficult car parking spot ?
2 Neither of them cared for the sexually explicit — ‘ Rather like having an operation described to one , do n't you think ? ’
3 And here I apologise for the rather poor sound quality , but he refused to shut his parrot and dogs in another room during the interview .
4 The most direct approach leaves the village by way of Glen Canisp , taking advantage of a rough road to a shooting lodge and then continuing on a good track along the north base of the mountain until opposite the obvious saddle ; here the track , which heads for the more orthodox mountain of Canisp , is left and a watery beeline made for the foot of the gully descending from the saddle .
5 The first was announced in a Practice Direction ( 1989 ) 1 WLR 281 , which provided for the much earlier delivery of skeleton arguments which would be studied by the judges before they sat to hear the appeal .
6 A HOSPICE which cares for the terminally ill is holding a special fund-raising week .
7 The slogan for MIND , which caters for the mentally ill , is Feelings Count Too .
8 News of the royal visit , which will be on election day , April 9 , marks the end of 18 months of hoping by the charity , which caters for the mentally ill .
9 Monday arrived , as we set out we had two major obstacles to overcome , firstly not getting lost in Budapest ( which we achieved for the very first time ) and secondly getting through the border between Hungary and Romania .
10 We apologize for the somewhat chaotic state of affairs on Saturday and the slight lateness in some runs .
11 I do n't think there 's any need for me to spell out any more at this point what that may mean but the responsibility in as churches to ensure that we care for the under eights .
12 They provide for the less committed who still wish to enjoy some of the fruits of the soccer culture .
13 But he so impressed bosses they asked him to apply for the more senior post of general marketing director .
14 In June 1991 they voted for the most democratic free-marketeer on offer in a presidential election .
15 This , of course , is a popular subject : it seems particularly attractive to the poet-turned-novelist because of the scope it offers for the tremulously sensitive probing of feelings .
16 By not considering the results of case management practice and research in greater depth and learning more about the value it has for the most needy clients of the health and welfare system , we are in danger of failing to learn the lessons which others have learned , and of having to re-live their mistakes .
17 Gong show VIC REEVES , the big lummox , was on television the other night dropping the gong he received for the most original programme .
18 Not surprisingly , Reilly has gone for tried and tested players , with few surprises , as he prepares for the most important assignment in his five-year international coaching reign .
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