Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] it with [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually , one of them attacked it with a large branch , striking it a damaging blow .
2 I shared it with a coloured girl who I got on with and we had a good laugh .
3 I got it with the fourth one
4 And why does n't British Rail offer a recycling facility for my old two-inch-thick timetable , when I replace it with the new edition twice each year ?
5 he does n't do that , I cut it with an electric cutter .
6 I put it with a fine one-ply in cream and the difference is amazing .
7 I receive it with a grateful heart and let the light enter into me , until I am light .
8 When I came across Kathleen Woodward 's Jipping Street I read it with the shocked amazement of one who had never seen what she knew written down before .
9 Councillor I I had to admit that I 'm slightly lost in that one A now ends as I understand it with the roman numeral three that was proposed in the labour amendment .
10 I brought grim news , and I delivered it with a certain mournful pleasure .
11 I treated it with a three-month course of Danocrine , followed by surgery which was necessary by this time , but was only effective and permanent because of the follow-up Danocrine treatment . ’
12 So I sprayed it with a fine spray and it 's kept very well , had n't it ?
13 But I did it with a heavy heart , I can tell you .
14 But somehow Sampras did reach it and Forget managed to make sure with his second volley and said later ‘ … but I 'm not quite sure how I did it with the wrong grip ’ .
15 I replaced it with a reconditioned Jaguar 4.2 pump , which made it fly .
16 Although I tease it with a tender rage
17 May I illustrate it with a true instance of what one industrialist did , who took this challenge seriously .
18 And thus I search it with a sovereign kiss .
19 First this is held downwards , then it is swung upwards to varying heights so that you have a split second in which to hit it with a suitable technique .
20 However , as will be seen , this position is entirely in line with a view of Englishness which identifies it with a non-industrial or pre-industrial past .
21 And as if to point up this change Bukharin declared , ‘ Our Red Army , which is to an enormous extent composed of peasants , is the greatest cultural machine for the re-education of the peasantry , which leaves it with a new mentality . ’
22 She met it with a puzzled look in her eyes .
23 Whatever the grandeur of the situation she transcends it with a sweet serenity which mesmerizes everyone .
24 A surprise attack is a superb card to have up your sleeve , especially when you combine it with a mind-numbing yell and a distracting dummy movement .
25 And this is a matter which must be given some weight in decision when you combine it with the other factors also which we have gone through today .
26 The accounts of nationalism given by liberal thinkers , who associate it with the bourgeois struggle for democracy , and by the Austro-Marxists who see it as one feature in the rise and consolidation of the capitalist mode of production , merging at a later stage into imperialism , do not exhaust the various conceptions of the phenomenon .
27 She bore it with a little smile of amusement that began to enrage me .
28 She dismissed it with a regal gesture .
29 The seat had been Tory since 1970 and had been held since 1974 by Sir Charles , who retained it with a sizeable personal vote .
30 Louis pushed his plate away from him , took the chop bone and tossed it to the springer who caught it with a single sharp snap .
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