Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] it for [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 My sister had a baby about three months ago , and I met it for the first time when I went home . ’
2 I remember the excitement and relief I felt when I read it for the first time as a very young nun .
3 I heard it for the first time on Saturday morning . ’
4 I flew it for the first time to Dupage Airport to replace the ninety-channel radio with a 720-channel unit , then on to Janesville , Wisconsin , for paint work and a new headliner .
5 It required absolutely no breaking in and I wore it for the first time on a nine hour Scottish hill day during the May heatwave in complete comfort .
6 That is where I spilled vodka on it the day I wore it for the first time . ’
7 The following is a typical example of the character of the RAF as I saw it for the first time about a couple of months after I got to Baghdad .
8 ‘ Well , like , ten minutes ago , because I need it for the next programme . ’
9 He started typing and found himself enjoying it for the first time for years .
10 Now , while Anna slept , she read it for the tenth time .
11 This majestic sight , glimpsed through undulating woldland patchwork , or from the flatter marshland , entices all strangers who behold it for the first time to come and investigate the town further ; to discover its rich history and its modern enchantment .
12 to , to erm to try and remember what it was like when you read it for the first time .
13 The Bill was then printed with the Committee 's revisions , and considered by a Committee of the whole House on 13th July , who sent it for a Third Reading .
14 The strange fragrance was stronger now , coming over the top of the rise in a wave of scent that struck him powerfully — as the scent of orange-blossom in the Mediterranean strikes a traveller who smells it for the first time .
15 In fact , as she considered it for the first time , she wondered how any of them had survived to tell the tale .
16 Well , can I propose we try it for the next three meetings , and
17 Has anybody read it for the first time for this course ?
18 Last season they won it for the second year in succession with some ease , and without their players being seriously extended .
19 Yeah , and then from that they 've now got these fucking things that show the direction , the sign , the speed and oh its incredible sonar 's been going longer than radar , but only just we were the world leader 's now , I mean we cos we , cos we preserve fuel , we knew exactly , they left it for the last minute to get up there and intercept them .
20 This back parlour , Hope thought , as he entered it for the third time that day , is like a little theatre : Act I , Colonel Moore ; Act II , Amaryllis ; Act III
21 As he said it for the first time a smile flickered across his face , and in that instant his features were totally transformed .
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