Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] at [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I know that because I grow at least a dozen of them in my allotment .
2 They were just poling away and Matt shouted ‘ Hey , fellers , cut ’ but they did n't take any notice and I remember thinking maybe they 're testing the rope to see if it works , and Matt and I turned at just the same moment and saw where the Indians were heading us — straight into a pile of rocks and foaming water — and I knew the rope must have broken or something .
3 This was due , no doubt , to the fact that though I motored further and further from the house , I continued to find myself in surroundings with which I had at least a passing acquaintance .
4 I would want someone that was on my wavelength , roughly my age , preferably a supporter , and I would n't sign anything until I had at least a serious gentleman 's agreement that nothing could be issued without the artist 's agreement .
5 However , since it is possible that there will be future changes either to the format or the contents of the module header , LIFESPAN will allow the entry and approval of modules which contain at least the latest and the immediately preceding version of the module header .
6 She recognised at once the well-built woman who turned from some chore at the kitchen sink as the woman who had opened the door to her last Friday .
7 Switchboard operator , who reckons she takes at least a dozen calls a day from France , has joined the classes .
8 It was Vico , in his New Science ( 1725–44 ) , who gave at once a new confidence and a particular direction to social thought , in his argument that ‘ the world of civil society has certainly been made by men ’ and that this ‘ since men had made it they could hope to know ’ .
9 Let us suppose that you have at least a hazy image of your Dreams — your personal and global visions of how life might be .
10 It is strongly advisable that , before you start to give directions , you have at least a few lessons from a trained Alexander teacher to make sure you are on the right track .
11 Or are we looking at possibly a larger figure now for Greater York ?
12 We organized at least a dozen ‘ Letters to the Editor ’ each day — these were mainly unsolicited , but we encouraged more — and spread them about so as to appear in a number of newspapers and magazines across the country .
13 Although this second method is the more complicated to administer and requires that we have at least a rough idea of the size of the primary sampling units , it has some advantages that become obvious when we recall that several primaries are generally sampled :
14 We have at least the mental equipment to foster our long-term selfish interests rather than merely our short-term selfish interests .
15 In those societies of the late twentieth century in which there exists at least a minimal freedom of expression and association social movements are a means by which members of society can express dissent and opposition in a direct and immediate way , and can challenge the indifference , remoteness or negligence of party machines .
16 Although both the USSR and Somalia downplayed the Soviet presence in Berbera , there existed at least a long-range communications station for submarines at Berbera , which formed part of the Soviet nuclear strategic infrastructure .
17 They want at least a five-year transition period before Europe 's exchange rates are locked for good .
18 The Experience consists of four young men who look , talk and act as if they 've grown up in good families , graduated from decent schools , and dress as if they shop at just the right places — Paul Smith , say , or Emporio Armani .
19 Refrigerated display cabinets are micro-processor controlled to ensure that they run at exactly the correct temperature — cold enough to preserve food properly , not so cold that they waste energy .
20 They needed at least a two goal win to reach the international stages of the competition .
21 Before a module is accepted by LIFESPAN , its header is checked to ensure that all its constituent keywords are present and that they contain at least the minimum amount of information required .
22 So we find , by the end of the fourteenth century , that persons are directing petitions to the Chancellor , claiming that they have at least a moral right to the benefit of these uses , and begging him to give them help against the legal owner who is setting up his Common Law rights against them .
23 I know such guarantees are n't really worth the plastiscrip they 're printed out on , but they have at least a token legal value if there 's any trouble .
24 Lack of an alternative summer team sport protected cricket between the wars and it benefited from a brief post-1945 resurgence in numbers , but then numbers fell so dramatically that by 1965 they stood at about a third of the post-1945 years .
25 I did choose it in my first book , The Selfish Gene , so I thought that here I would fly a kite for a somewhat less-fashionable theory ( although it recently has started gaining ground ) , which seems to me to have at least a sporting chance of being right .
26 Others see it occurring at exactly the same time each day , but with no obvious connection with any other activity .
27 But as regards his goods and chattels , which include his leaseholds , it is early admitted that he has at least a limited power to dispose by will — limited because his wife and children may have rights which he can not override .
28 There are suggestions it has at least a 2.5 per cent shareholding .
29 He murdered at least a dozen young men before burying their bodies in and around his home .
30 It was the best lesson I 've ever had , and it came at just the right time . ’
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