Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] back to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the 1987 budget , a " carryback " was introduced for BES investors , enabling them to carry back to the previous tax year relief on up to 15,000 invested .
2 So I rounded up my bird-fancying friends ' old copies of Cage and Aviary and studied them until I got back to the very beginning of the season , early March .
3 I changed back to the Tasmanian Devil and had a similar thumping take first cast .
4 I wandered back to the main entrance of the chateau and found Benjamin , equally disconsolate , sitting on the steps .
5 However , they caused me no ill and I staggered back to the Golden Turk and the tender care of the slattern , a bowl of rich broth and countless frothing tankards of ale .
6 I came back to the beautiful beach house from shopping .
7 I pedalled back to the High Street , past Magdalen and across the bridge to the Plain .
8 I turn back to the white man 's earnest justification and go and make a cup of tea .
9 If I go back to the diagonal layer , quite often I get a question .
10 So it was maybe a half-hour before I go back to the main adobe .
11 I thought back to the 17th and remembered Lee 's words : ‘ Mr Lu does n't want to win the Open Championship . ’
12 Their life was already hard enough , so I went back to the wild fruit in the woods .
13 In a kind of rush I went back to the main menu .
14 Periodically I went back to the northern wastes again , a sort of alchemical prep school where , like Lorne , I sustained myself through the dark times with dreams of the southern islands .
15 As the line that seemingly connects the two circle centres needed close scrutiny , I went back to the 1:25,000 scale maps or the area and laid a straight edge along the apparent intersection .
16 I think back to the scented summer night
17 I marched back to the flat past couples strolling damp and contented from the Cherwell boathouse .
18 It is carried against , and so I come back to the new erm section being proposed by Professor on anti-semitism and concurred by the convenor , Dr , and put it to the assembly .
19 The company participates in nearly a score of such ventures , some of them dating back to the 1930s .
20 The oldest tradition , which goes back to the contemporary historian John Foxe , claims that the queen and her Protestant councillors had intended to introduce a settlement based on the 1552 Prayer Book , but were later forced to make some concessions in the Catholic direction because of the implacable opposition of the bishops and some of the lay peers in the House of Lords .
21 This is a process which goes back to the two questions raised on page 66 :
22 Doubling in Dostoevsky , which goes back to the very beginning , to Mr Devushkin living and not living in the kitchen , which has its post-Siberian developments in the underground man 's now-you-see-me-now-you-don't ‘ flashing ’ of his consciousness , in Raskolnikov 's and Svidrigailov 's different ways of being among but not with us and Porfiry 's torture tune of ‘ There 's nothing here , precisely nothing , perhaps absolutely nothing ’ — doubling takes on a new form in The Possessed , closer to the I/We/They/Everybody/Nobody shifts of The House of the Dead than anything else before it or to come .
23 Yet the point , it 's a question really , which refers back to the last programme summary three , of the , the ninety four , ninety five base budget .
24 But today , realizing the problems she might have in controlling her mount let alone in staying on should it prop at a hedge or peck on landing , she decided discretion was the better part of valour and shortening her left rein swung Hullabaloo away in the other direction to take what was known as the Funks ' Run , which ran round a long ridge of elms , across the brook at its narrowest point , and then over a good two miles of open ground , with only one reasonable sized open ditch and hedge to be jumped at the bottom of the dip before a long run uphill which led back to the last of the Vale hedges .
25 CHAIRMAN Sir Peter Parker was doing his best , but the 1980s opened with much the same worries of insecurity over government policy , lack of investment , and working practices which harked back to the old company rules .
26 UNCED itself , however , was launched as a result of a UN General Assembly resolution passed in December 1989 [ see p. 37433 ] , which referred back to the 1987 report of the World Commission on Environment and Development chaired by the then Norwegian Prime Minister , Gro Harlem Brundtland [ see pp. 35227-29 ] .
27 But it has a lyrical depth which reaches back to the great black music of the Seventies and artists like Stevie Wonder and Curtis Mayfield , while touching on Steely Dan , Elvis Costello and Joy Division .
28 Unable to accept again the superstitions he had discarded , nevertheless with time and misfortune he found himself turning back to the three deities who had guided his early life , and helped him through his harsh apprenticeship as a scribe : the reasonable Thoth , ibis-headed , god of the scribes ; Horus , son of Osiris ; and the protector of the hearth , Bes — the little god of his childhood .
29 In Manchester , the gangs were known as ‘ Scuttlers ’ — a word which went back to the 1880s — and their gang fights and rowdyism as ‘ Scuttling ’ or ‘ Scuttles ’ .
30 In the early decades of this century the diverse private welfare organizations ( freie Verbände ) began to firm up their organizational structures which resulted in the founding around 1920 of the major welfare organizations which dominate the German welfare landscape today : Side by side with the Protestant ‘ Innere Mission ’ and the Catholic ‘ Caritas ’ , which date back to the nineteenth century , and the Jewish central welfare association ( Zentralwohlfahrtsstelle der Deutschen Juden , 1917 ) there developed the secular welfare associations of the labour movement ( Arbeiterwohlfahrt , 1919 ) — despite the socialist principle of the primacy of public welfare ! — of the German Red Cross , and of the independent hospitals and nursing institutions ( today called the ‘ Deutscher Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband ’ ) .
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