Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] their [noun pl] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 The speculation at Westminster last night was that Mr Kinnock was preparing the ground for a dignified exit by leaving his colleagues six months in which to mount their campaigns for a contest in the autumn .
2 This year , a new twist : some believe we want their numbers for a direct mailing operation .
3 The Oscar nominations Midnight Cowboy received were Best Picture , Best Supporting Actress ( Sylvia Miles ) , Best Director , Best Screenplay adaptation , and both Voight and Dustin for Best Actor , forcing each of them to practise their smiles for the possibility of losing out to the other .
4 Monday will see everyone take their seats for the return journey via Amiens and thence to Calais and a very special lunch on board before the voyage home to England .
5 The clear autumn day drew to a close and Corbett made them rest their horses for a while .
6 Full details of this scheme will be given to fans when they book their places for the trip .
7 They shared their responsibilities for the smooth running of Zone I with the enthusiasm of those bound by a loveless marriage .
8 He had them exactly where every actor who ever lived wants his public , watching his every movement , letting him dictate their lives for a little moment .
9 And a couple of young clerks , that 's where they bred their clerks for the future use sort of thing you know .
10 An example will serve to illustrate this point : Leigh Hunt was a vegetarian , and praised ‘ in glowing words the cauliflower swimming in melted butter ’ ; Wordsworth wryly asked whether ‘ if by chance of good luck they ever met with a caterpillar , they thanked their stars for a delicious morsel of animal food ’ .
11 They got so warm they removed their sweatshirts for a final surge home .
12 Voters in Norton , near Stockton , get an early taste of going to the polls tomorrow when they cast their votes for a new county council representative .
13 The Sigmar representatives are very influential , and because they cast their votes for the same candidate they wield influence out of proportion to their numbers .
14 However , on Oct. 24 Democrats in the House appeared willing to compromise when they abandoned their demands for the inclusion of surtax , in favour of phasing out personal tax exemptions for those with incomes in excess of $100,000 .
15 He asked their Lordships for the forthcoming Proof before the Sheriff to be heard away from Orkney in mainland Scotland .
16 He was short and deeply unpopular with everyone because he had cheated them out of their money when he collected their taxes for the Roman army .
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