Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] as [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 These cars run as specials , which run as required by the time-keepers according to passenger flows .
2 Given that we can adequately define who to include as belonging to the category " the population of the United Kingdom " , and providing that we have convenient lists which do not seriously under-represent significant subgroups , then reasonable estimations of population values can be made from the sample .
3 The way labour is organized — the division of labour — is itself seen as depending upon the wage levels , the availability of different skills and the extent of unionization .
4 Jocelyne Saab , on the other hand , took issue with the question itself , which she saw as confined to the typically limited preoccupations of White , Western , middle-class feminists .
5 Sometimes she found certain phrases , certain inflections creeping into her French which she recognized as belonging to the Princesse .
6 So Grice 's point is not that we always adhere to these maxims on a superficial level but rather that , wherever possible , people will interpret what we say as conforming to the maxims on at least some level .
7 The most depressing aspect he had found had been the neglect of the fundamental issue of liberty raised by MPs ’ proposals to prevent what they regarded as abuses by the press .
8 The latter were incensed at what they regarded as hitting below the belt and retaliated with vicious shootings at policemen regardless of whether they were the men responsible .
9 Feelings about these different tasks do not seem to be dependent primarily on temperament or on personal background ; rather they emerge as related to the kind of conditions under which the tasks are performed .
10 The National Feder-ation of Professional Workers had already objected to the proposed constitutional reforms of the BUF and what they saw as plans for the suppression of Parliament , the imprisonment of opponents , and the establishment of a private army .
11 There are those critics of the polytechnics who regard this as a most unfortunate development and would go so far as to castigate them for betraying their primary purpose , which they see as providing for the communities in which they are located , something which of necessity can only be done primarily through part-time provision .
12 The popular slogan ‘ This we will maintain ’ , that is the union with Britain , can be equally applied to the religious and moral values the loyalists pride so much and which they see as embodied in the protestant — loyalist statelet , with its appropriate state apparatus of coercion and alternative paramilitary units .
13 He refused to consider what he regarded as interfering in the judicial process and what they saw as moderating his policy of harassing the Free Church .
14 If he moves into an enemy then he is engaged in hand-to-hand combat and must fight in the following hand-to-hand combat round ( he counts as charging in the first round as is also the case with magically induced movement ) .
15 I say that on behalf of the party he beat as opposed to the one that he put into third place — the Conservative party , which was marginalised in that by-election .
16 In this article I would like to have a look at the nuts and bolts of his style , with the emphasis being shifted to the devices that he uses as opposed to the specific parts that he plays .
17 Instead he describes a crisis which he sees as spreading throughout the entire penal system , affecting other penal disposals such as probation , community service , fines and so on .
18 In the later theory of Freud , it is this energy which he sees as derived from the death instincts , which are innate destructive energy forces .
19 GRAHAM TAYLOR yesterday vowed not to quit as England manager — but admitted he feels as hounded on the back pages as the Royal Family are on the front .
20 Huntington is shrewd when he reveals many implications in Wells 's prose , and ends by making useful distinctions between utopia and dystopia , which he reviews as related , and anti-utopia , which he views as opposed to the other two .
21 He answered the second question , which he considered as turning on the effect of section 222(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 , by concluding that the council had a cause of action in libel against the defendants on the basis of the pleaded statement of claim .
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