Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] her [noun pl] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile I saw her breasts for the first time .
2 I spiked her guns by the simple expedient of ringing Nigel right away , told him the truth , and instructed him to fetch her home and keep her there .
3 Two wholly unnecessary words which skimmed her cheeks to a blush .
4 Sarah had joined them through another miracle , a cloak thrown by Mary Jacobus which upheld her feet on the water .
5 Nonetheless , there was constant stress which tested her reserves to the limit .
6 Kylie is speaking after an amazing journey which tested her nerves to the full .
7 His fingers with corrugated nails pressed hard , moving north ; she felt them separating her thighs through the tweed of her skirt , the rayon of the lining , the nylon of her slip .
8 She made a little rite of soaking her feet in a corn cure called ‘ Reudel ’ , and as she lowered her feet into the bowl of steaming water there was again that little look , that narrowing of the eyes and pursing of the lips , which said so much with so little disturbance of her features .
9 He scrutinised her closely as she lowered her legs to the floor and his hand went out as she stood .
10 She read her books with an intense concentration — and she learned what Johnny had to do , and of the terrible odds that were stacked against him ; for as she , in her time , moved towards the middle of July , she knew that , for Johnny , it was August ; and in one of her books she learned that it was in August , between the 8th and the 15th , that the most heavily concentrated forces of enemy bombers had been sent against the military installations , and the ports and airfields of Britain .
11 You checked her whereabouts on the computer . ’
12 She grazed her knuckles on the corner of the fusebox .
13 For the last 30 years of her life Lady Onslow lived at Notting Hill Gate , and in the mid-1970s she led her neighbours in a rates protest against the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea .
14 She laid her hands on the top of his shoulders and kneaded the base of his neck with her thumbs .
15 Although the older sister lived away , she travelled to stay with her sister occasionally and during one visit , after she made her allegations in a family meeting which she had joined , the counsellor asked her to take over the caring role for the final week of her stay so that her sister could actually see how it should be done .
16 She wiped her eyes with a lace handkerchief and he caught the drift of her exotic scent .
17 She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand , knowing in her heart that it was an excuse to curtail the physical contact with him .
18 She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand .
19 She wiped her eyes with the back of a grubby forefinger and added more practically , ‘ You do n't have to worry about them , I 'm sure .
20 She wiped her lips on a vast white napkin and emptied her glass of wine .
21 She wiped her lips on the paper and crumpling it up , tucked it demurely between the seat and the wall .
22 She wiped her hands on the white T-shirt she was wearing , leaving pink smears all over it .
23 She wiped her hands on the backside of her shorts .
24 This was exactly what she had been afraid of — flibbertigibbet though she was in most things , Candy could be positively terrier-like if she got her teeth into a mystery , refusing to let go until she 'd solved everything to her satisfaction .
25 When she got her hands on the bugger , that was .
26 She compressed her lips into a hard line .
27 She ground her teeth with the effort of keeping her strained lungs in check , using all four limbs for propulsion through water which echoed hollowly with the slap of bullets seeking her .
28 She strained her eyes into the broken circle of darkness , and a breath of ancient tension and fear seemed to issue chillingly from the hole the river had torn in history .
29 It was still early , as she could tell from the light filtering through her curtains , and she narrowed her eyes at the sight of a cross Dana , who was obviously prepared to shake her again .
30 Her mind was floating over turquoise waves and she narrowed her eyes against an ocean that sparkled silver all the way to the horizon .
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