Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] go [adv prt] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 When the doctor had gone , Dot said , ‘ I got to go back in the hospital , ai n't I , Mrs H ? ’
2 I hate going out in the carriage , ’ I said quickly .
3 I remembered going up in a gilt elevator .
4 I wonder if that washing 's done , let's have a look , I have to go out in the shed and get the erm no its not er , its not finished yet
5 I have to go back in the morning and I must have you with me . ’
6 As er as you can imagine , it 's a very difficult task , nobody wants to go up in the region , it has malaria , it 's dangerous , it 's it Transportation is difficult .
7 Finally , guberniia executive committees were charged with the resurrection of village reading-rooms , most of which had gone under in the changed economic conditions of NEP .
8 did you hear what I said , I think your , I do n't know if you 'd gone back in the house when I said , I 'll prepare , I 'll prepare the dinner
9 Especially as apparently you 'd gone out in a hurry and not taken a handbag .
10 June Roberts said she 'd gone out in the car , saying nothing except that she 'd be back in time for cocktails at the Clarkes ' as she had promised , a business thing for Samuel .
11 Yeah that 's a nice er , slot , were you looking to go out in the garden ?
12 And so by incessant exercise , her right foot grew larger and broader , while the other remained the same size , and at length she feared to go out in the streets at all , for fear of tripping and falling flat .
13 Now in fact of course you 've gone round in a ?
14 A teacher , again in a Southall primary school , told of an ‘ amusing ’ incident when an Indian girl of ten was reduced to tears when she had to go out in the sun in the summer term .
15 ‘ We ca n't really know what actually goes on in the world , like whether there really is honey : all we really know , and therefore all we can really tell other people , is what we believe goes on in the world . ’
16 No one had gone by in the corridor .
17 That does n't mean we have to go around in a great lather of gratitude all the time .
18 they 've gone down in the world again a bit .
19 Apart from being baked hard by the heat of the lava , these sediments were quite undisturbed , and had been carried bodily as smoothly as if they had gone up in a lift .
20 the pit and the the circular with a saw you know , the wood , they had to go down in a in a pit .
21 And the lads used to come , they used to do , in them days , you know , they wanted to go out in the country to get a bob or two .
22 No one has ever given a satisfactory explanation of why Mr Ford said what he said — and it has gone down in the history books as just another Ford pratfall .
23 In his home town , Mr Edwards is a noted singer and says that he wants to go down in the programme as performing a selection of songs from Carousel and also Holy City .
24 But er there was a lot there was a lot of girls and th I do n't know what had what had happened but I mean , that was the worst thing , he 'd went up in the lift and there was quite there was some other the rest of the people in the lift er was trapped and was burned to death you know , tragic end .
25 Unlike those of the Philistines his worst fears have been realized , and the cry he hears go up in the town is not for the ark 's arrival , but for its capture .
26 How much does it take to go up in the balcony , more or less ?
27 I ironed my big net here and it meant to go up in the window there .
28 It had gone off in a hotel in Leinster Place and would always in future be known as the ‘ Bayswater Bomb ’ .
29 He had to go back in the end because there was no one else to put her to bed , but he hated touching her . ’
30 When someone came into the room he realised he had gone out in a sweet unconscious .
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