Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] i [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 I then did a series of films with Robert de Vicenzo , big money in those days , which convinced me at the time that Roberto would win the 1967 Open .
2 As one person put it , ‘ The only ones who knew me from the time I was born have gone , and it 's almost as if that period in my life is less real now that there is no one left alive who shared it with me . ’
3 But I was thinking , looking at them — ’ he gestured towards the tourists — ‘ seeing them in a group , it reminded me of a time in cadet school .
4 It reminds me of the time I went to a school in Clevedon to interview one of the masters , David Bryant , who was the greatest bowls player in the world and a star in his own right .
5 It struck me at the time that there was something rather apt about such a pedestrian people developing such a pedestrian means of covert assassination — ’ He broke off to laugh at his own pun .
6 That was his word , and it struck me at the time that it was extreme language for a man of his temperament .
7 ‘ Because ‘ e 's my mate , and it annoyed me at the time to see ‘ im get ahead of me . ’
8 What interested me at the time was whether the ‘ naturally ’ weak non-metallic crystals could be made strong too .
9 What struck me at the time about the " battle " between Bennett and Slessor was that Bennett acted as an agent for his C-in-C as well as in his , own personal interest .
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