Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] it to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Carrying a tray of glasses would have been easier if the floor had been stable but I made it to the far end with only a lurch or two and delivered the goods as required .
2 So I moved it to the other side of the step .
3 And I put it to the some of the women and men cleaners you see , How would like a rest day roster ?
4 I made sure that I enjoyed it to the full , although it was wartime .
5 If I set it to the same frequency as the only Mark I Super C64 in existence , I might just be able to contact an old friend of ours . ’
6 So I took it to the British Museum , who identified it for me .
7 And I I have n't I with the No it 's very simple , I left it to the select committees of the House of Commons .
8 I take out my sketch pad , but the results are not food and I consign it to the ancient lavatory and oblivion on the track .
9 Leaving aside the Prologue and the short Un-accompanied duet for Peter and Ellen which links it to the first act proper , each of the three acts is prefaced by an orchestral " interlude " , and there are three more of these interludes separating the scenes within the acts .
10 It is clear that this change is highly evaluated in Belfast in terms of social class hierarchy and status , as it is the more prestigious groups that tend to adopt it and the more ‘ advanced ’ ( generally female and younger ) group who introduce it to the conservative inner-city communities ( which are characterized by dense and multiplex network ties that tend to resist innovation and maintain conservative forms ) .
11 Now Liz did n't win our first , second or third prize er last year , but she , she made it to the final twelve , er her , her full-length novel now , has now been accepted by Collins and that 's going to be published next February , there 's talk of a big American contract for Liz and Liz has now been floated away in to the world of big time professional writing .
12 God was clearly on her side and she made it to the living-room door without a hitch .
13 In my time you even had to survive Hansen 's unofficial scrutiny before you made it to the first team .
14 There it was bought by an unidentified lady who lent it to the religious Society where it has been ever since .
15 John Major scholarship boy who made it to the local grammar school and was lucky to obtain patronage from the local squire .
16 The question raised by the Law Lords on the Circuit who referred it to the High Court was whether despite being deaf and dumb and uneducated , did the defendant know the difference between right and wrong , did she know that a consequence of guilt was punishment , and did she have the power of communicating her thoughts ?
17 Specially commissioned by The Tea Council , Teapot 2000 has a unique design that allows you to brew it to the exact strength you like , from the first cup to the last .
18 In the case of a joint purchase it will save time if , as buyers ' conveyancer , you have them execute the engrossment print before you send it to the other side .
19 Duncan took out his passport and handed it to the older man , who opened it to the relevant page and stamped it with a small stamper he had with him .
20 It decided her ; instantly she followed it to the broad Danube .
21 Now you 'll then have to look and see if they tell you to give it to the nearest metre or the nearest maybe the nearest maybe the nearest point one of a metre or three significant figures or three decimal places .
22 You pass it to the two blokes .
23 Another copy was sent to a Belgian huissier who delivered it to the Belgian respondent 20 days after the date of the judgment .
24 The Warwickshire nature trust is tiny when you compare it to the total amount of woodland managed for sports use .
25 The Warwickshire nature trust is tiny when you compare it to the total amount of woodland managed for sports use .
26 I mean when you compare it to the new one in the which is awful .
27 By the end of September it had reached a news agency reporter in Manchester , who offered it to the Daily Post , an ailing middle-market Fleet Street tabloid , for £15,000 .
28 Eventually , after appealing her case for years in the UK , she took it to the European Court which agreed that there must be equal opportunities to claim social security benefits , and that discrimination on the grounds of either sex or marital status must end .
29 Nor on present evidence can you leave it to the internecine politics of the county councils around London , with occasional injections of national politics .
30 Its whereabouts remained unknown until it was consigned at auction by a private collector in Spring 1990 , and bought by collectors who gave it to the Metropolitan .
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