Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] have the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I came home quite convinced that I 'd never met anyone since that I had had the same feeling for .
2 I 've had the same dream , ’ she said .
3 I 've had the same look for the last 7–8 years and during that time I 've put on some weight .
4 I 've had the same sort of experience in Germany where Everybody 's Somebody 's Fool was re-released and was a big hit all over again . ’
5 I have had the same trouble now and again , but if I control my jaw when I yawn it does not happen so much .
6 An early temple in Sicily had a huge terracotta Gorgon-mask in the gable-centre ; and groups of fighting animals , which seem to have the same function , adorn other early pediments .
7 How how many others do you think had the same reaction t t to you ?
8 Not willing to admit that she had had the same idea , Sophie said cautiously , ‘ Dawn was n't available to help him with the monkey .
9 They glared at each other across the table , two people in early middle age who had had the same quarrel in the same words many times .
10 ‘ I suppose there are other girls who have had the same experience as me , and that my talking about it in this book might help them feel less isolated .
11 So it 's not as , it , it 's erm uniformly spread everywhere in the first place , it 's directed first at the focus and then when you meet another person whom you realize has the same ego ideal , then you identify them , with them by a kind of secondary erm secondary identification .
12 You have to have the same proportion next time .
13 The change in net debt , er worth referring worth mentioning minus three point three million that much worse would have been significantly lower thirty five million or so lower if we 'd had the same year end exchange rate as we did in nineteen ninety one .
14 We recall having the same feeling about Leon Brittan , Richmond 's Tory MP until 1989 and he did n't dress off the remnant rail either .
15 We have had the same situation over the last two years with the Canadian squad .
16 We tended to have the same meal on the same day of the week : roast on Sunday , cold meat on Monday , a steak-and-kidney pie or pudding on Tuesday , stew on Wednesday , salt beef on Thursday , fish on Friday and toad-in-the-hole on Saturday .
17 Erm we do n't see a great deal of difference that they 've had the same problem as we 've had , in that we ran out of time before we could put the er finished act together properly .
18 I think people should stick with what suits them , even if they 've had the same thing for years .
19 The British were mistaken in supposing that they continued to have the same sovereign and therefore the same national identity vis-à-vis the outside world as the Canadians .
20 I refused to believe that he chanced to have the same name as the previous tenants of the cottage — unless he himself was the previous tenant , and had for some reason returned to Moila without wanting to be known ?
21 I wished he 'd had the same confidence in front of audiences because he was probably the most talented actor of us all .
22 This is most easily dealt with by ensuring that when Newco is formed it elects to have the same accounting year-end date as Target .
23 Perhaps he had had the same thought , because as their eyes met something seemed to pass between them , some spark of longing they both recognised .
24 I thought that maybe he had had the same idea as me only for a different reason .
25 As she did so , Caspar turned with her , and Fenella knew he had had the same idea .
26 Even earlier , in 1751 , he had had the same theme in mind when he began On the Immensity of the Supreme Being :
27 And I 've come back years later and it 's had the same effect on me . ’
28 ‘ Some of them have had the same experience , and here she 's in a familiar place doing familiar work and I think feeling closer to Whitey . ’
29 Nearly all of us had had the same sort of education and shared a common social background .
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