Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [to-vb] at the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No , I want to look at the ponies with Ricky , ’ said Perdita , frantic not to miss a minute .
2 I want to look at the consequences of replacing these assumptions by two others : that we should concentrate on how mind might develop out of matter ; and that we should view the mind primarily as something which enables action .
3 I 'm sorry to inflict this on you , Miss Glynn , but I want to look at the contents of the bureau amongst other things and it is better that a member of the family should be present .
4 I want to look at the bodies . ’
5 Then what am I going to do at the weekends ?
6 I should however indicate that to understand properly what is the appropriate position for an inset boundary , I have to look at the reasons for there being an inset at all for the village , as , as you correctly indicate , it lies plainly otherwise within the general extent of the greenbelt .
7 I wanted to look at the tapestries , Sergeant .
8 Now , I wanted to look at the possibilities of a rather softer approach and tried out some alternative ways of using eh Faber-Castell Polychromos Pastels .
9 And then we miss a number erm er and move to N Y eleven which is a paper which we have put in which attempts to look at the differences between certainly between the N Y C C projections and the H B F projections .
10 Yeah and the thing is also being new to driving you tend to look at the headlights rather than look away from them .
11 ‘ Why do you want to look at the gibbons ? ’
12 Oh yes I mean Then er we had the Christmas Fair meeting of which maybe you want to look at the minutes now .
13 You want to look at the toys while I go in here ? ’
14 kick up a row , I said you want to look at the dogs , just go outside and see all the old rubbish that get 's chucked out there
15 We were talking earlier , and I understand you liked to ride at the weekends , and you 're often competing on your horse , er , ha , if you were to have a fall , and erm , you had a back injury , or erm , you sustained an injury that would you keep you from work for a substantial amount of time , er , how would you feel , would you be able to pay your premiums ?
16 So then again , you start to look at the causes , and the , the big sorts of things .
17 Sometimes she dared to wonder at the causes for this way of life , for she could see that it did not represent a normal attitude towards society , though it was so deeply bred in her that all aberrations from it were for the rest of her life to seem to her perverse : but when , occasionally , she glimpsed some faint light of causation , she recoiled from it and shut her eyes in horror , preferring the darkness to such bitter illumination .
18 She liked to look at the visitors as they arrived and try to match them with the patients .
19 She had to look at the facts and analyse them , then draw the right conclusions .
20 erm er portraits of , er men you have to take i it that erm we could argue Charlotte Bronte was very critical of the men she knew and , the men she thought she might know , and did n't erm , you have to look at the women who feed into the making of them
21 To decide whether or not the increases are realistic , you have to look at the expenses side .
22 I 'm not I do n't necessarily want to dispute them erm all I would say is that we have to look at the implications do n't just look at the change in the traffic flows and take them as a as a point , you have to look at the implications of those changes in traffic flows .
23 And you need to look at the policies as a whole rather than individually .
24 It follows therefore , does it not , that one has to look at the characteristics of the land you now propose to take out of the greenbelt , in the same way as the land immediately to the north , which you propose should remain .
25 we went to Trafalgar Square and we stopped to look at the pigeons and we 'd moved on and I , I suddenly realised I had n't got Vicky with me , so I looked all round , could n't see him , had to go right back to Trafalgar Square and he was still looking at the pigeons
26 The report of Domingue and Ingram ( 1978 ) , for the USA , indicates the emergence of the profession both in terms of status and in concerns for interpreter efficiency , and it is on this basis that we begin to look at the processes involved , comparing signed with spoken interpretation .
27 I know about the Islington survey , and I also share his concern about under-reporting in some areas of the country of some types of crime in particular , but let me continue with the facts before we begin to look at the solutions .
28 A closer examination of the component parts of the code is given in chapter 4 , when we begin to look at the implications of the code in respect of standards of nursing care provided by the qualified nurse or health visitor .
29 By precisely how much we shall see when we come to look at the attempts to sell them to private investors .
30 We have to look at the movements of the BNP and what they are doing .
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