Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pn reflx] [v-ing] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This operation in Latvia , ’ I found myself speaking in a whisper , ‘ what is it doing that these machines will do for the rest of Russia ? ’
2 Once more , I found myself sympathising with a Punters lady .
3 Then one day I found myself sitting in a packed car and we were away and moving into a new house in a place called Tintagel .
4 I do have to say that on occasion I found myself baulking at a certain inconsistent and artificialsounding short reverberation effect following the odd sudden soloist ( trumpet or saxophone ) sforzando ( two specific cases are mentioned above ) , but this is a price I 'm more than willing to pay for the added ambience and clarity that Nippon Columbia has afforded these treasurable recordings .
5 I ca n't speak for everyone , but whenever I find myself eating in a pub it 's usually because raging hunger has overcome the judgement of discriminating palate .
6 I find myself pausing for a few dots myself before I turn over the page to find where all this is leading .
7 So she found herself staying in a single room at one of the hotels in Monaco and the following morning making her way back to the cottage with a very much subdued André , whose head was feeling all the after-effects of too much wine .
8 She did not even realize her hair had come down and that she had lost her hat until she found herself leaning against a wall somewhere on the other side of St Jude 's Passage , her lungs bursting , her temples and her pulses hammering out their distress , her whole appearance wild and dishevelled and attracting not the least attention in that place which-no matter what might have befallen her — had seen it all before .
9 At one point , as the ancient taxi manoeuvred a particularly narrow twisting stretch of road , she found herself gazing into a steep-sided gorge .
10 She found herself struggling against a bitter , unreasonable disappointment .
11 ‘ Let me take that , ’ said a male voice and turning she found herself looking into a pair of startlingly blue eyes .
12 When her lashes lifted she found herself looking at a name .
13 Drawing it out , she found herself looking at a face which was striking both for its good looks and its expression of surprise .
14 The housekeeper pushed Jennifer in the small of her back , and she found herself walking into a panelled room in which Lady Roscarrock sat in an ornately carved oak chair .
15 When she regained consciousness she found herself lying on a large settee in a dimly lit room .
16 And feeling rather as if she were in a dream , she found herself sitting on a sofa in a quaint old-fashioned parlour , with Roger Kenyon , housebreaker , beside her .
17 Then darkness enfolded her , and she found herself standing on a solid surface in a shadowed room , staring upwards at the underside of the dimple with a strange sense of having been reborn .
18 She found herself standing on a wide terrace , with steps that led away from the house .
19 Although they discovered they had hardly a single taste in common , he was nonetheless a witty and amusing host and she found herself laughing in a way she had not done for a considerable time .
20 But something about him had fastened itself to her memory , and she found herself saying to a bartender the night after , ‘ Do you know a boy , about fifteen or sixteen , a legit , who goes around with a large black dog ? ’
21 She heard herself snivelling like a child , and was extremely conscious of the tears rolling down her cheeks as she undressed .
22 There 's a light switch near at hand inside that tank and , as you are wearing ear plugs , you find yourself floating in a soundless , dark and warm environment .
23 If you find yourself yearning for a relationship with someone where the feelings are not mutual , or the other person 's love has died , ask yourself what aspect of you that person represents .
24 In the end , she catnapped , shaking herself awake every time she felt herself drifting towards a deeper sleep .
25 His tribute was meant for Alex and Mary McLaggan , but as he sang he half turned towards Jean , he could not keep his look away from her , and as the words enveloped her she felt herself choking in a warm cocoon , her cheeks burned unbearably , he should not be doing this , it was too much in front of so many friends and strangers .
26 If we do not review our knowledge from time to time it becomes lost to us and we find ourselves thinking within a shrinking field .
27 After the humiliating training they find themselves participating in a war they neither care about nor understand .
28 The membrane broke open and he found himself looking at a little horse 's head lying upon a pair of stretched out forelegs , a perfect little head with shell-like curling nostrils and a narrow white blaze , and wet , flattened-down ears .
29 He had only gone a short distance , when he found himself stepping into a small moonlit clearing , some twenty yards across .
30 The number rang once and then he found himself listening to a conversation .
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