Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pn reflx] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps she just did it out of the goodness of her heart — or perhaps ( and this thought provoked a fresh spurt of giggles in my throat ) half the little souvenirs that littered her room were tokens of gratitude — from Torquay , Margate and Llandrindod Wells — I pulled myself together with a great effort , and took my hands from my face .
2 Tonight , I find myself here in a guest house in the city of Salisbury .
3 I was obliged to write essays … where I gave myself up to an almost purely artistic rendering of such facts as I remembered , and such opinions as I could concoct by the help of memory , fancy , and the radical and the free-thinking influence of home …
4 I pull myself up to a sitting position .
5 But again I held myself warily at a certain distance , not daring to make contact with him for fear of falling into the kind of trap Dana had prepared for me .
6 On this occasion I wrapped myself up in a blanket and went to sleep in a ditch .
7 I see myself really as an impresario .
8 Left hemisphere control of sequential motor activity which lent itself readily to a symbolic gestural system may have been the evolutionary precursor to present day lateralisation of language .
9 The unconscious seems involved in a deep way , in part due to their setting themselves up as a Chosen People of God the Father .
10 Slowly she lowered herself on to a dead log and sat there .
11 Plainly the man who wrote this was the man who in Hugh Selwyn Mauberley took as his model and master Gautier , who described himself proudly as a man ‘ pour qui le monde visible existe ’ .
12 As she slipped into the water beside them Rachel was aware that David had thrown a large orange ball into the pool before jumping in himself , and within seconds she found herself part of a noisy , boisterous game of water hand-ball .
13 She levered herself up on an elbow , gazing down at his handsome , tanned face .
14 To keep herself from sleep she suspended herself ingeniously upon a large cross which hung in her room … and should this fail she attached her hair [ the one lock she had not shaved off to the nail in the feet of her Christ so that the least relaxation would inflict terrible suffering on her …
15 With a final searching look at the haunted image in the mirror she drew herself up with a deep breath and walked down the narrow passage to meet him .
16 Wilkie , who describes himself modestly as a working journalist , then tracked down the poet 's widow .
17 Self-styled funniest programme on telly HAVE I GOT NEWS FOR YOU dusts itself off after a very poor return to the screen last week with well-known wit Charles Kennedy of the Liberal Democrats .
18 I remember how her country beginnings showed themselves then : she made no fuss about seeming to be lost , nor did she work herself up into a state as the aunts would have done , just stood there patiently and quietly while I untangled her and found the way ; and did not even grumble , although after that I let her decide where we should go , which was usually across a field near the sewage plant , and along a road near the gasworks .
19 She angled herself on to a stool .
20 She pulled herself up onto an elbow to gaze at him .
21 She pulled herself together with an effort , trying to remember what she 'd been told about wine-tasting , holding the glass carefully by the stem , and sniffing delicately .
22 She rolled herself up in a ball and covered her head .
23 She saw herself perhaps as an Elizabeth Bowen heroine — for one did not openly identify oneself with Jane Austen 's heroines and To The North was her favourite novel .
24 Refuse to be my wife and you limit yourself forever to a track of selfish ease and barren obscurity .
25 ‘ Another particularly odious corruption is the scholar who sets himself up as a unique authority on a certain painter , with the specific knowledge that , in cornering the market , his opinion will be essential for anyone dealing with works by that artist .
26 As Travis set her down on her good leg inside the hut she gave herself up to a sense of fatalism .
27 You 're afraid to ask you landlord for a repair because if you do , are you setting yourself up for a rent increase ?
28 LABORATORY analyst Emma Lawrie found the right formula for courage when she hurled herself out of an aircraft at 2,200ft .
29 She pushed herself up into a sitting position .
30 I even hoped the Germans would overrun our positions and so allow me to give myself up as a prisoner .
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