Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [been] [adv] a long " in BNC.

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1 No I 've been I 've been here a long time like
2 I have been here a long time .
3 She has been here a long time and will be here for even longer , ’ Felipe answered smoothly .
4 And wheeling them to the ship you know , then after you 'd been there a long time , well my father was a down below and I went to his shop then you see .
5 ‘ Even as a new MP , she has got a much better grounding in the way that the Treasury and Number 10 work than most MPs who 've been there a long time . ’
6 It shows how well we are conducting the service , in what is an old bedding factory , after all , and if you 've been to Winchester lately , you will have seen a six million pound record office , with with modern architecture in a prominent position in Winchester , er , which I 'm sure they 're conducting a service , but I 'll bet you that pound for pound we 're giving a far better service in Wiltshire , with our dedicated staff , who 've been there a long time .
7 You always find wherever you are that the people who 've been there a long time get sort of erm a bit uppity , they think that they 're
8 You 've been here a long while , have n't you , Raech ?
9 You 've been away a long time have n't you ?
10 At least I do n't mean that — not a good show for you , I know — but frankly when you 've been down a long time it is a good show to see someone from home and get all the news .
11 An example I quote is of two particular members of staff who had been there a long time , and so , when I walked into the staff room , they were in the same seats .
12 I I ca n't comment on on comments that you are referencing , however I will say that in Maryland er we displaced an incumbent vendor who had been there a long time , er that vendor was a bit upset as you might imagine with being displaced as a vendor , and in Maryland we had a situation that kind of evolved into the same kind of political row you would expect when a company loses a long time business .
13 You have been here a long time , masters .
14 And she 's been away a long time for one of our ships — ever since June .
15 She 's been here a long time , of course , from Father Collins 's days .
16 She 's been here a long time , about ten years .
17 She 's been here a long time , on and off , she knows the place well .
18 but it cuts across , no there there comes a point where the of this world say oh am I allowed to do this , am I allowed to do that if you 've been here for more than three years right and it 's particularly prevalent in Scotland , oh are we allowed to do that , oh I did n't know and that 's old that is. old to a certain extent you know , she 's been around longer than has and been around but influenced by who 's been around a long time you see that 's where we get it , you see we do n't get the initiative coming in that area we get we get the oh Christ , bloody hell let's shove that one out the way that 's a national account .
19 We 've been out a long while already .
20 We 've been together a long time and people in the band like Paul and Mark and Gaz have a few things to prove themselves .
21 " We 've been together a long time Her voice went thick and inarticulate .
22 So they 've been here a long long while .
23 They 've been out a long time colleagues , seventeen weeks .
24 ‘ I only took a quick look , he 'd been dead a long time , it was n't nice , and yet — it looked like Uncle Mosse . ’
25 It 's been around a long time , as they say ?
26 Well it 's been there a long time .
27 I think er in an effort to accommodate Mr Chairman , the members here this evening , it 's been quite a long day , the the Conservative amendment is very close to the amendment that both er myself and Mr have put in and yes we would be willing to accept that , I think we 've got the point across which the only thing missing from the Conservative amendment is the thing about the airport money .
28 Well he 's been there a long while .
29 After an early phase of rapid growth initiated by enterprising , indigenous farmers and leading to an increasingly capitalist social structure , by 1939 the Ghanaian cocoa industry had entered what has been generally a long decline accompanied by reduced employment of wage-labour .
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