Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [indef pn] of [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I found none of the double entendres in Whiplash Whispers funny , and the illustrations were a bit tasteless .
2 I felt something of the same awe and excitement I had experienced four years before when tramping round and round Warwick Gardens with Chesterton , debating the execution of Charles I. Here was someone who ought to have been a member of the Society that G. K. C. had dominated at St. Paul 's from 1891 to 1893 .
3 I felt somewhat of a tragic character .
4 Much to my shame I knew nothing of the Cambrian Railways as most of my interest up to then had been in the Southern Railways and to a greater extent industrial railways , and so decided that much research was necessary , which along with the commencement of renovations will form part of our next episode : - ‘ A NEW STATION IN LIFE ’ .
5 In my A stream class at " the convent " I knew none of the other girls and rarely saw my former classmates .
6 I had none of the schizoid suicide 's delusions about being able to survive my own death .
7 Malherbe may well have been responsible for a new approach apparent in vol.9 and in most of those from vol.1 onwards , which contain none of the serious distortions outlined above .
8 The LEA scheme concerned is an unusual one in that it combines school self-evaluation with an inspection which provides something of an external evaluation of the exercise .
9 Its weakest point is the character of Pat — while the two men are realistically observed , Pat ( who has none of the shrewd toughness of her profession ) , is a fluff-headed mechanical doll who inexplicably switches from initial dislike of Sonny to a lovestruck Shirley Valentine .
10 ‘ Do you know anything of the Old Ones , or the carvings that are in the museum ? ’
11 She has plenty of the proper sort . ’
12 ‘ Have you seen owt of a black dog ? ’ said Jack to Philip .
13 Now have you got plenty of the wee tablets or are you finished ?
14 She said she knew nothing of a sectarian feud in the old days of Stormy Hill but if she did it was not the kind of thing you discussed with strangers , I sensed .
15 She knew nothing of the real woman behind it .
16 What was mocked was the arrogant superiority of the traditionally educated arts man who knew nothing of the second law of thermodynamics .
17 Those are the innocent victims , who knew nothing of the serious fraud .
18 For how could a reader who knew nothing of the original matter — the origin of the Silmarils , the rise and fall of Numenor , the triumphs and ultimate ruin of Gondolin , etc. — find a way in ?
19 She saw nothing of the pale green clusters of new leaves adorning the elm trees , nor did she see the arum lilies glowing with white purity beneath them .
20 With him , she felt none of the seething intoxication of love or lust or whatever it was which called her to Cameron .
21 Lucy herself said she remembered nothing of the dreadful cockchafer affair .
22 Not seeing Jane , however , was no cause for regret ; she had none of the kindly qualities of her husband .
23 She and Susan had rooms adjoining , so she had none of the creepy feelings one often gets in a strange house .
24 I 'm not sure whether Ian has kept up with Markham — who had something of a dark reputation at one time . ’
25 We worked in a special class and at a cracking pace — with a man called Harris , who had none of the contemporary difficulties about aims and objectives .
26 Everyone will be free to enjoy themselves as they wish , but we shall be arranging a programme of optional sightseeing excursions and activities on a daily basis , which will ensure you miss nothing of the best the region has to offer .
27 Environmental issues are also important to Alison although she believes none of the major parties have a good green record .
28 Secondly , is this the earliest pattern in this area and , if not , can we detect anything of the previous arrangement ?
29 If only we had something of the social sense they had in Germany , we might manage to give our young people the experiences they ought to have … [ in Germany ] the rambling movement … [ has ] reached enormous proportions — 2,500 hostels provide shelter for 6d per night … .
30 It is really in my mind almost a repeat of the situation we found ourselves in , in the Sudbury Western bypass some year or two ago , which strayed into Essex onto which the Essex County Council raised objection , er , one can not build a road in an adjoining County without the consent in law of the County Highway Authority on whose ground you trespass , it 's almost as simple as that and in this case with Norfolk standing presumably indicating their intention to oppose the construction for a day , we have something of a static bar situation unless we can reach agreement .
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