Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [v-ing] [adv prt] at the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm not sure how high we went but I remember looking down at the surf .
2 I kept looking up at the Royal Box and thinking , ‘ Stevie Foster would have stood there . ’ ’
3 I stood looking down at the pavement below the payphone while Dennis padded across the wall-to-wall carpeting and called distantly to his wife .
4 Next moment the swirling fog in the alley was suddenly lit to a brilliant white by the head lamps of the car which came roaring in at the far end .
5 You lose their attention if you keep staring down at the papers in your hand .
6 the basis is you keep going in at the wrong level it 's the educational process at ground level
7 But Professor Avenarius was late , and I kept watching the woman ; she was alone at the pool , standing waist-deep in the water , and she kept looking up at the young lifeguard in sweatpants who was teaching her to swim .
8 She stood looking down at the tiny fireplace .
9 And she stood looking down at the key in her hand , while she said to herself , ‘ Well , this seems to decide it , does n't it ? ’ and turning , she yelled , ‘ Ben ! ’
10 She stood staring down at the fresh earth of the new grave , at the wooden cross bearing her mother 's name and she could not believe that this nightmare was real .
11 I do not deny uniformitarianism in its true sense , that is to say , of interpreting the past by means of the processes that we see going on at the present day , so long as we remember that the periodic catastrophe ( including sudden events like the rush of a turbidity current ) is one of those processes .
12 ‘ Otherwise , if they keep coming in at the same rate , Hong Kong will be totally swamped and will not be able to cope .
13 ‘ I suppose you want me to go first , ’ said Caspar as they stood looking up at the open window , which was grimy and smeary , but much lower than the other windows .
14 They stood gazing out at the few early swallows looping around the hazy , fragrant air .
15 Then he tried smiling back at the serious-faced child , for this must surely be a tease .
16 However , I made my position very clear to the Whaddon and Mitchley Argus sports hack , Mark Crowe , when he came sniffing round at the funeral .
17 Normally he enjoyed staying over at the firm 's northern hospitality suite which was situated above their offices — bloody hell , he had treated a few girls to his own style of hospitality there enough times — but tonight it was all wrong .
18 He remained staring down at the the photograph , then slowly shook his head .
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