Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [vb pp] him in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When I met Kirk and started to work with him , I sort of felt I 'd known him in some other life .
2 That long white robe I had seen him in that night was a sort of hospital gown .
3 I wondered if I had offended him in some way .
4 And Dieter — I 've seen him in similar clothes to the ones Alain wore yesterday , blue slacks and a white shirt .
5 ‘ Mr Potter , I 've upset him in some way .
6 I 've wrapped him in one of Dad 's handkerchiefs , ’ he said .
7 Saying what they 're in er erm erm , so look , and wa watch so and so very carefully Jack I 've got him in such and such a race .
8 Where the old badger is coming from Bill Morrison 's motto in life is ‘ never volunteer , never refuse ’ , a policy which has landed him in some of the hottest seats in the profession , as he tells Julia Irvine
9 She had liked him in those days and some of that liking still remained , resented , only half-acknowledged , but bound up with memories of sunlit walks in Port Meadow , luncheon and laughter in Hugo 's rooms , with the years of hope and promise .
10 He was fretted by the thought of Kate , back at the scene of crime by now , and he felt a spurt of resentment against Dalgliesh who had involved him in this irrelevant mess .
11 Not for the first time , Beth asked herself how she could so readily condemn David for being so weak as to love someone who had treated him in such a callous and despicable manner , when she herself was guilty of the very same weakness !
12 He had been trained to recognise anybody who had served under him , or who had helped him in any way .
13 This from eight-year-old Leslie who had let him in earlier .
14 they 've put him in another .
15 It 's put him in intensive care , dependent on an intravenous drip for nourishment .
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