Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Move along ! " bawled the orderly , and as I shuffled away I gazed appealingly at the white-coated figure .
2 I arrived there at the due time and waited and waited , but no corporal appeared .
3 But when I looked again at the taut group riveted to the game , now not even speaking , I had my doubts .
4 I looked round the room , then I looked again at the old man .
5 I looked again at the little cat .
6 As I approached I looked wonderingly at the slight figure with the soft fairish hair falling over his brow , at the holed cardigan and muck-encrusted wellingtons .
7 I looked doubtfully at the rickety structure of planks and corrugated iron .
8 We opt for The Baker 's Wife at the Phoenix and all vote it a definite winner , and I wonder again at the jaundiced palate of critics who gave it a fair old drubbing when it first trotted out .
9 A sphere of hard solid rubber not much bigger than a golf ball and jammed like a cork in the pharynx , effectively blocking the trachea , I scrabbled feverishly at the wet smoothness but there was nothing to get bold of .
10 Just what I need right at the present moment ! ’
11 Last year we had the fine Scottish Opera production in Newcastle , now it is the turn of Darlington with this production , which ends tonight at the Civic Theatre .
12 A small boy armed with a stick tried to beat off two hungry-looking dogs which sniffed suspiciously at the dead beggar 's bloody feet .
13 The exhibition which opens today at the Imperial War Museum features their letters and memories of the time , along with those of their fellow Atlantic evacuees .
14 The mountain , eleven granite peaks rising between the gentle flow of the Dee in the north and the foaming River Muick in the south , was a presence which pulled everlastingly at the primitive senses of the people below it .
15 The only form of private enterprise ( including building ) which aimed primarily at the mass market , apart from the market and small shop , was the tavern which became the elaborate ‘ gin-palace ’ in the Britain of the 1860s and 1870s — and its offspring the theatre and music-hall .
16 After capture at Tobruk as a chaplain he listened as well as lectured and poured himself out as father , brother and friend , empathising with the religious difficulties of his fellow prisoners which gnawed away at the rigid Anglo-Catholicism of more sheltered days .
17 He could hear somebody talking urgently at the other end but his mind was still scrambled and he could not decipher the words .
18 The day which ended terribly at the presidential palace started badly at the same venue .
19 Yet the aim is for individuals on both sides to come together and explore , ex tempore , mutual areas of interest in the conference venue , the Glasgow Hilton , ( ’ I expect a lot of the business to be done in the corridors ’ , said Howell ) or at the Computer Solutions Show which runs simultaneously at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre .
20 Lacuna appeared distracted , her face frozen in surprise as she gazed unseeingly at the ceaseless struggle .
21 She gazed again at the peaceful scene in front of her until her eyes rested on an old Severn Punt lying high and dry on the foreshore .
22 She gazed accusingly at the sheepless landscape .
23 While waiting , she gazed solemnly at the sinister Bridge of Sighs a few yards away and thought of the prisoners who 'd gazed out of its thickly grilled windows , looking for the last time on the beauties of Venice before they were incarcerated — or executed for causing the displeasure of powerful nobles .
24 According to unofficial reports , the arrangement was designed by the West German Foreign Minister , Hans Dietrich Genscher , the new Polish foreign minister , Krzystof Skubiszewski , and the Soviet Foreign Minister , Eduard Shevardnadze , who met recently at the United Nations in New York .
25 She peered closely at the surrounding mass of faces , comprising ten of the cleaner or nicer-looking boys from the boarding section , who were whispering and fooling among themselves and taking little notice of her .
26 She peered anxiously at the reddening bruise on Perkin 's cheek , a twin to one on mine .
27 The air did n't feel sharply cold enough for snow , and Clare hoped it would n't rain ; she peered upward at the dull , grey sky .
28 She dabbed ineffectually at the fine material .
29 I hope that this series of articles may have encouraged you to look again at the various stitch patterns which your machine can produce .
30 Methinks that the Dolls were n't the ‘ damp-squib ’ that Nick Kent would have led us to believe , because if you look closely at the increasing number of British ‘ punk ’ bands emerging by the shipload , you will see in each one , a little bit of the Dolls .
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