Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [noun pl] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Within a few years of transfer to the South Metropolitan system , all these cars had the headlamps moved from the canopy front to the usual position on the dash , one reason being that it enabled them to carry advertisements in the same positions as the rest of the fleet .
2 The restructuring would be supported by loans totalling between $500,000,000 and $600,000,000 from the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank ( IADB ) to provide those dismissed with compensation , training and advice to enable them to find jobs in the private sector .
3 Still , taking it for what it is , I can report that it is on the whole satisfactorily performed , due mainly to the merits of the soloists : Barbara Schlick 's soprano rings out finely in the wonderful air with cello , ‘ What passion can not Music raise or quell ’ ( I give titles in the familiar English rather than the German used here , of course ) , and again in her paean of the organ , though in the final chorus the sense and the noble simplicity of the solo soprano in turn with the choir , a real piece of English eccentricity , somehow becomes merely odd in German .
4 mm , well , I visit ladies in the nineties and they 're called Emma and Alice and Amy and all these names that are being used for children now , but I do n't think you 'll ever get Fred , Sidney
5 In chapters 4 and 5 I expose defects in the crudest form of foundationalism , and in chapters 6 and 7 I argue that we have a more general reason to avoid any sort of foundationalism , a reason derived from considerations in the theory of meaning .
6 The relation between decreased urinary albumin excretion and changes in filtration fraction is consistent with the hypotheses of a predominant role of glomerular haemodynamic alterations in producing microalbuminuria in insulin dependent diabetes and also of the decisive role of the reduction in intraglomerular capillary pressure mediated by angiotensin I converting inhibitors in the antialbuminuric effects of these compounds .
7 The flat I share looks in the opposite direction to theirs , across the access road and the lawns to the old estate wall and the tall old trees rising on the ridge beyond .
8 I had problems in the first half against Scotland .
9 I have no illusions about the likelihood of its transforming schools in the next ten years .
10 For they always avoided towns and traffic ; they avoided also the larger roads which became turnpikes in the eighteenth century and were subject to tolls , and they were short-turfed for the cattle and sheep , grazing as they went .
11 In order to obtain more information about those RNA polymerase subunits which make contacts in the -40 region , we also carried out protein-DNA crosslinking experiments with both enzymes , using a UV laser ( Fig. 4 ) .
12 Of these , five were killed by coyotes , which catch ferrets in the open , and one was dug out and killed by a badger .
13 Smacking , says Leach , will not help the toddler 's anger , frustration and fear , which create tantrums in the first place .
14 They feared that if there was another depression the unions would be left defenceless if they abandoned traditional practices which preserved jobs in the short term .
15 This was one of the changes initially seen under the Republic : the capture of Jamaica in 1655 opened up a new road which encouraged rulers in the second half of the century to go forward and force other European powers to give up their lands on almost the whole of the North American coastline .
16 Customers of the rival Lambeth Water Company , which took its water from the upriver source of Thames Ditton and which served houses in the same London streets , suffered only a sixth of their risk .
17 Although the subject received some coverage in the course of routine reporting on the war by journalists with access to the usual range of sources — specialist spokesmen in government information agencies , defence attaches in various embassies , the occasional interview on the field of battle — the main authorities are the specialized bodies which monitor developments in the strategic field , the international arms trade , and so on .
18 Particularly controversial was the Slovak government 's demand for a division of control of the country 's oil and gas pipelines from the Soviet Union , which raised fears in the Czech republic over the supply of vital energy resources .
19 There were recurring epidemics of murrain and hoof and mouth disease , a particularly bad series of which decimated herds in the central highlands in the 1860s .
20 The software included a second k-D matrix which recorded errors in the first matrix .
21 A selection of commonly used naming words which incorporated consonants in the appropriate contexts was tried out with 130 normal children and 57 children of average or above-average intelligence who had already been identified as having retarded phonology .
22 Thomas , 30 , the fourth of five sons , was manager of a company which organised safaris in the African country .
23 Their magical resistance does not affect magic weapons or other items , except for those which cast spells in the usual way .
24 Then , having served their demand long after the works were complete , they would have a further six years in which to take proceedings in the High Court or the county court .
25 Although the term euro-dollar ( or euro-currency ) might imply a market based exclusively in Europe , as was once the case , there is now an active Asian dollar market based in Singapore and Hong Kong which enables banks in the Far East to intermediate in external dollar deposits .
26 With them eventually came dashing British sports , like steeple chasing , cricket , golf and fox-hunting , the last of which had runs in the nearby countryside called ‘ Old England ’ , ‘ Leicestershire ’ and , best of all , as a concession to the French , ‘ Have Leicestershire ’ .
27 Now dry casein is a hard , brittle substance which transmits loads in the best style of Mr Hooke .
28 Terrapins have been left here and in similar ponds around the country by bored pet owners for years , but the numbers have been growing thanks to children who have tired of the Teenage Mutant Hero Turtle craze that led them to buy terrapins in the first place .
29 I tend to be rather disorganised when packing gear , so anything that helps me keep things in the right place has got to be a bonus .
30 Perverse conditioned psychological needs require some of our best thinking to solve — but then we should n't have let them become habits in the first place .
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