Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [noun pl] [prep] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 I enclose samples of the last two cards we have produced .
2 I enclose samples of the last two cards we have produced .
3 I had problems in the first half against Scotland .
4 It is able to move on to the next stage of the action if the various relevant conditions have been satisfied and to produce documentation for court or reminders for the debt recovery unit personnel to enable them to progress matters beyond the next stage .
5 I have no illusions about the likelihood of its transforming schools in the next ten years .
6 For they always avoided towns and traffic ; they avoided also the larger roads which became turnpikes in the eighteenth century and were subject to tolls , and they were short-turfed for the cattle and sheep , grazing as they went .
7 There is a possible test for the establishment of a sense , which has consequences for the second family of tests for ambiguity described earlier .
8 In the first experiment our source is a not very accurate gun which sprays bullets onto the first screen .
9 Smacking , says Leach , will not help the toddler 's anger , frustration and fear , which create tantrums in the first place .
10 This was one of the changes initially seen under the Republic : the capture of Jamaica in 1655 opened up a new road which encouraged rulers in the second half of the century to go forward and force other European powers to give up their lands on almost the whole of the North American coastline .
11 The software included a second k-D matrix which recorded errors in the first matrix .
12 This teleological approach , which presents revolutions of the sixteenth century as failed attempts to realise the political programmes of the Enlightenment , runs through Le Roy Ladurie 's work , and informs his attitude to specific classes of phenomena .
13 This issue figured strongly in the election campaign , and appeared to benefit the Centre Party , which won seats for the first time .
14 Terrapins have been left here and in similar ponds around the country by bored pet owners for years , but the numbers have been growing thanks to children who have tired of the Teenage Mutant Hero Turtle craze that led them to buy terrapins in the first place .
15 Perverse conditioned psychological needs require some of our best thinking to solve — but then we should n't have let them become habits in the first place .
16 Of the 216 patients discharged in 1989–90 , none became vagrants during the first year of follow up ( J Leff et al , unpublished study ) .
17 Many hundreds of thousands of trade unionists were among those who became shareholders for the first time .
18 Those who sell dogs in the first place have a great deal to answer for when it comes to explaining why the human-dog relationship is so often a disastrous mismatch .
19 But , with that unpredictability which makes biology such a fascinating science , it was some biochemists interested in nutrition who laid foundations for the next major advance in the treatment of cancer .
20 If you want crosses from the second forward then bring in Shutt .
21 Students who obtain passes in the first year subjects but do not intend to complete the HND may apply for the award of the HNC .
22 Did n't you hear tales of the first settlers from your father ?
23 The MP was one who switched sides at the last minute to vote in favour of the treaty .
24 She changes places with the first person she catches .
25 She saw leaves of the last fall encased inside them and , yes , it was cold , but there was a fine frosty light , and the mist over the lake made her think of a stoat 's white fur .
26 In the rest of the country , about half of roughly 100 candidates who won seats in the first round were linked with the pro-Rafsanjani ‘ pragmatic ’ faction .
27 If you do n't run the status report until the twentieth and you make , you , you do reversals between the fifteenth and the twentieth the status report will take those into account if they 're affecting premiums that were due before the fifteenth .
28 That goal was a little rough on St Johnstone , who had chances during the second half , though the best came in the first when Harry Curran threaded a pass through to Vinny Arkins .
29 • only 8% of women who had children in the last 5 years said they would prefer a hospital consultant to provide their antenatal care .
30 To appeal to moderates who backed Republicans in the last three presidential elections and to avoid being labelled a ‘ tax-and-spend ’ Democrat , he set out a platform stressing economic growth , tax fairness , universal health care , racial harmony and a lower federal budget deficit .
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