Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [art] [adj] time [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But it 's still the same , but it 's the pains that I got the last time that 's gon it 's like sharp pains that 's going round about , just the insides of the nipple .
2 ‘ If you must know , I had a rotten time last night , ’ she said sulkily .
3 I had a terrible time last Friday — your paper sent me proofs to correct the same day so I had to struggle up with them .
4 ‘ Oh eh kid , I had a smashing time last night .
5 No , I mean I , cos I , you know I , i I spend a long time coarse fishing so I understand actual fishing for pleasure as opposed
6 Have you had a nice time this morning ?
7 I mean that could be a short term until she could get herself you know a full time regular post
8 Louise came again , towing Suzanne , who spent the entire time shuttered off within the earphones of her Walkman ; if spoken to she smiled with bland and tolerant self-absorption , like the very old .
9 ‘ I gather , ’ he drawled , ‘ you had a good time last night . ’
10 We had a swell time this week-end .
11 We had a smashing time last night . ’
12 I 'd just like to ask er if it 's not to start on the er phase three before the spring of ninety five , it seems a long time two and half years time before they a , they make a start !
13 It reached an all time high of twenty five percent in about nineteen seventy five and it 's gone down since .
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