Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [be] going [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 erm I 'm conscious of the fact that I 've been going on for perhaps too long and I may not have said quite enough about Darwin , but let me just finish by saying this that it 's not possible today , I believe , to discuss any important problem in biology without Darwin 's thought being absolutely central to what you 're saying all the time .
2 I 've been going downhill for several days now .
3 Eyes turned to boarded up windows and rubbish strewn in gardens and the depressing picture moved the prince to say : ‘ This is why I have been going on for so long about architecture in the environment . ’
4 My boyfriend and I have been going out for six weeks and everything is wonderful but it takes me honestly two hours to reach orgasm .
5 In Guatemala too , the 1980s marked a high point of repression in a political conflict which has been going on for the best part of thirty years .
6 It is common for patients to appear for their first out-patient appointment with one or other of these problems , which has been going on for the previous few weeks .
7 There are already many alternatives to the research carried out on animals which has been going on for a long time .
8 I understand that revision of the regulations , which has been going on for sometime , is reaching its final phase .
9 As my hon. and learned Friend has accepted the closure of Bir Zeit is part of the systematic infringement of the Geneva convention by Israel which has been going on for years , should not a more robust approach therefore be taken , both by our Government and by the European Community , and should not economic measures at some stage be taken in relation to Israel to prevent the continuation of such unacceptable violations of human rights and of the Geneva convention ?
10 Ramped Craft Logistic and mexeflote rafts had been arriving regularly throughout the night , continuing the build-up of vehicles and ammunition Which had been going on for the past two days .
11 Almost equally important was the ending , by a series of agreements in 1745 , 1773 and 1790 , of a struggle for influence which had been going on for generations between the Reichskanzlei ( Imperial Chancery ) under its hereditary head , the Elector of Mainz , and the Hofkanzlei ( the Chancery of the Habsburg hereditary lands ) .
12 Problems like overcrowded home conditions or a husband 's alcoholism , which had been going on for at least two years and which were rated as major difficulties ( 1–3 on a 6-point scale of severity ) , were found to occur in the lives of a great many more psychiatric cases than normal women .
13 Efforts to procure his extradition , which have been going on for five years , and which seemed for a time to have been successful , have now been thwarted , at least for the moment .
14 It is reported on the front page of The Times today that the common agricultural policy — that squalid policy which is costing British families an average of £18.50 a week each — will destroy the world free trade talks , which have been going on for four or five years , and involve just about every country in the world .
15 We 've been going together for ages .
16 Although we have been going there for 10 years the excitement of seeing all our friends will never ever die and I hope it is going to stay a good , clean Holiday site for many years .
17 What I 'd like you to do , is to try and put into words , what the main problems are at the moment , when they occur , where they occur , and how long they 've been going on for ’ .
18 This may mean they have been going together for as little time as a few weeks , and a relationship of more than a month or two may be regarded as serious .
19 It has been going on for too long .
20 ‘ My father-in-law was well aware of all this ; it has been going on for some years but he would not do what was necessary to right the situation , that is cut out the loss makers and , perhaps , substitute other lines — stationery , office equipment , videos or any other line compatible with the book trade . ’
21 It has been going on for a while — but not on the scale it is happening now .
22 She would phone the police and they would go out of their way to search her garden and reassure her of their vigilance , but it had been going on for years .
23 She said it had been going on for a few months . ’
24 One thing Mam said suggested it had been going on for some time …
25 But it 's been going on for two years . ’
26 It 's been going on for long enough and I think something should be done about it , ’ he added .
27 It 's been going on for a long time , but yer Mum 's bin very foolish an' so have the rest .
28 Yeah , I mean it 's been going on for ages
29 I gather it 's been going on for years . ’
30 We 'll debate and these instructions , but there 's always this shortfall , and it 's been going on for far too long , and we still have an increasing number of responsibilities , and I just find it extremely distressing to have to sit here time and time again , to go through doing things that we really know we should n't be .
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