Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pron] for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The assistant changed the battery and told me to monitor it for a week for any problems .
2 On the day Sir Hubert arrived in Rangoon he sent for me to thank me for the way in which this delicate matter had been handled .
3 but when I asked them for a crayon ,
4 I asked him for an instance of the difference between bookselling in Knightsbridge , London , and Union Street , Glasgow .
5 Kevin : Well , I 'd jist got my Giro , So I asked her for a Biro — If she
6 I made them for a friend a couple of years ago and she 's still talking about them !
7 I made it for a dancer ( Nijinsky ) who can soar like a spirit , but who has the strength to dance with the Wilis [ as in Giselle ] and live to dance again . ’
8 Yeah I mean she for a bit she was the party was n't she ?
9 Whenever I believed I had come up with something , I probed it for every sort of oversight , tested it through from all angles .
10 ‘ That girl of yours asked me for a statement and I gave her one-more than she bargained for , and I made her take it all down . ’
11 ‘ Then I sold it for a Telecaster , which I hated , because the Tele did n't have any knobs ; it was a real simple guitar and I did n't like it , so I bought a Les Paul and I loved it .
12 I make them for the shops to sell , ’ she told Virginia .
13 no I were gon na do , I got them for the days
14 All the perennials are bought in containers and I grow them for a year in their pots to see how they cope with the conditions , then I plant them out in the garden . "
15 But I do n't think in gender terms at all when I interview someone for a job .
16 ‘ Could I trouble you for a receipt ? ’
17 But might I trouble you for a cup of hot water ? ’
18 He went and bought a pack of cigarettes from the machine behind him , searched his pockets , then asked : ‘ Could I trouble you for a light , Miss ? ’
19 One afternoon I summoned up my courage and as casually as I could I invited him for a drink after work that evening .
20 I want you for the West End after your six weeks in the sticks , and you 'll have to have a bit of bosom . ’
21 I want you for an angel !
22 Yeah but I want it for the men that 's going to alter the gas .
23 I liked it so much that I used it for the show and played the hell out of it , it sounded so good .
24 I needs it for a wager on the Brasseywing . ’
25 He said our flight had been delayed and he 'd spent the time in the bar , and then added , rather unconvincingly , that some woman had insisted on ‘ plying Phaeton with liquor ’ as he put it , but there was a hollowness in the way he said it , and I do n't think either Gill or I believed him for a moment .
26 I interviewed her for a nature programme .
27 ‘ They were n't worth keeping so I swapped them for a couple of balloons . ’
28 I prepared myself for the baton change as Mac set off on his leg , so I did not see what happened there .
29 There 's a man and a woman sitting at a table by the window , and I watch them for a bit .
30 I watch them for a bit , but they do n't win nothing .
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