Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pron] in the [det] " in BNC.

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1 Notice what Jesus says in verse seven , he says , I tell you in the same way there 'll be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents , than over ninety nine righteous persons who need no repentance .
2 I tell you in the same way , there will be joy in heaven over one sinner that repents .
3 If I 'm allowed to have food , why ca n't I have it in the same cell as Elaine ? ’
4 from my vantage point I saw nothing in the few seconds between the County Inspector 's announcement to have incited what appeared to be a concerted start by the police .
5 ‘ I heard that , ’ she told him in the same language .
6 Helping an elderly parent through her sorrow can be a long , hard haul , but very rewarding in the end — not only in terms of her recovery , but also because , if you find yourself in the same position in later years , you will look back on this experience you shared with her and find that it has left you with a far deeper understanding of grief , and a greater confidence in the healing power of time to see you through your own period of adjustment to loss .
7 To her , religion was morality and appearance , and she kept it in the same compartment of her mind as her dinner napkins .
8 So these channels sh show significant although not er sig al although not extensive sequence homology with the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor which enables you to place them in the same class of being er a ligand er binding channel .
9 He walked past a few minutes ago and said that 's the third letter you 've written today why do n't you put them in the same envelope and save postage ?
10 When George Abbott , the Archbishop of Canterbury , accidentally shot dead a gamekeeper , Andrewes , as a member of a commission of enquiry , urged his colleagues ‘ Brethren , be not too busy to condemn any for uncanonicles according to the strictness thereof , lest we render ourselves in the same condition . ’
11 We do it in the same spirit in which in Pilgrim 's Progress John Bunyan 's Christian and Hopeful erected a sign to keep other pilgrims from the hands of Giant Despair .
12 The world would be a more stable and therefore a better place if we extinguished ourselves in the same place where we first saw the light of day , and if we spent the intervening time in as small a circumference as a day 's walking permits .
13 Do they affect you in the same way ?
14 They put me in the same category as Martinho .
15 ‘ And they supported you in the same way ? ’ she asked gently .
16 The aim is to have about three suits per series — I certainly do n't want to come prancing on every week in something different , but neither do I want people to groan when they see me in the same old suit .
17 ‘ Oh , that 's the Eiffel Tower , ’ and he says it in the same tone of voice as if you had shown him a portrait of Grandpa , and he had said : ‘ So that 's your grandfather I 've heard so much about .
18 ‘ You will not be coming back , ’ he assured her in the same arrogant tone .
19 He paid it in the same spirit that he washed himself-obsessively .
20 He addressed her in the same way as he had her mistress , with the deference due to age .
21 It shocked me in the same way as Room at the Top shocked me when I read it last year .
22 Now he finds himself in the same position as his predecessor — a relative conservative whose time is past .
23 It was for Couples , already top of the world rankings , his first major championship and he did it in the same accomplished manner that has already marked two earlier victories on the American tour .
24 He quoted me in the same paragraph , but somehow omitted some key words about the commitment of both Novell and USL to preserving the business model by which USL serves its licensees .
25 And did n't he desert her in the same heartless way ?
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