Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pron] in [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I do as I 'm told , and he told me to include you in this job . ’
2 It does n't seem to me to affect it in any way .
3 I got them in some shop in Covent Garden .
4 I ran away from him as fast as possible , and did not stop until I found myself in some fields .
5 I found them in those dawn hours .
6 I want him in this evening .
7 I told you in another part of this saga of mine that I took over a Night in No 7 Squadron from a Flight Commander .
8 I hold you in some affection , child , ’ came the reply .
9 On another day I provoked him in some way and he slapped my cheek .
10 I 'm not numerically dys dyslexic by the way , I put them in that order for , for a reason .
11 Well because I put it in that book .
12 I know we bought some meat in , you know , thank you , it 's very light I put it in this way .
13 I played him in many positions and he 's never let us down .
14 I 'm the Rector 's wife , I should have come weeks ago , I knew perfectly well you were here , I know everything in this village .
15 ‘ As I said , I know everyone in these levels .
16 I like him in that jumper and my friend gave him that .
17 Got to keep tomorrow of er what time , I get you in that carrier .
18 I tell you in all candour that the option no longer exists , and that , insofar as it ever did exist , it only worked on each occasion since the war by injecting a bigger dose of inflation into the economy , followed by a higher level of unemployment as the next step . ’ ?
19 But I agree , I sensed something in that house : an evil , an aura , a dankness , despite the wealth .
20 Gerald Brennan , writing just two or three years after the war , says in The Face of Spain that the slow hand-clap to attract the attention of waiters had died out , but I heard it in several places in the north .
21 I find myself in some difficulty in that the statement I have prepared does not debate the merits of the inner and outer routes , but merely the question of is there a need for a relief road er and what are the benefits that the particular relief road er that we are currently promoting which is the outer northern , whether that is is sufficient to demonstrate that it is meeting a need .
22 I 've , you know , I feel I 've trusted him all my life you know , an now I find myself in this situation .
23 I placed it in that part of the room where we need the light , with something which , if I believed in it , I would call instinct .
24 Yes , sweetheart , I feel it in several ways ; by contrast , for example , with my idyllic dreaming of two or three years ago ; there is a change .
25 Later in that passage he wrote : ‘ It was n't until thirty years later when I saw her in another woman [ Elizabeth Taylor ] that I realised I had been searching for her all my life . ’
26 I saw something in that hall tonight which I have kept secret .
27 well I 've never got any , I saw it in this shop
28 Lee Marvin used to do something similar , announcing , ‘ I 'm a coward and I bet anybody in this place can beat me ’ .
29 Roughly , those over thirty-five , and I put him in that group , reacted with a mixture of impatience , embarrassment , and guilt .
30 I think , obviously you 've you 've got your own organization , your own professional standards and things , I think they need to be developed and , more importantly , promoted themselves to the public , and then , to take it a bit further and to try and escape that straitjacket which I think which in this country particularly all public servants are limited by .
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