Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [prep] he [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Dylan as an actor and as an explosive performing force was a dangerous rival for other actors , as I know , for I worked with him a few times or several , and once for instance a director [ Douglas Cleverdon ] said to him — we were rehearsing a radio play at the time — Dylan , will you take the words ‘ Mam !
2 I looked at him a long time , and the smile went away .
3 Even Terry Lewis hinted at it when I spoke to him the other evening .
4 But I think about him a great deal .
5 Although there are no hon. Members from Scottish constituencies in their places at the moment , my hon. Friend the Minister made a passing reference to Scotland , which is one of the issues that I discussed with him the other evening .
6 I said to him the other day , well four weeks ago .
7 I said to him the other morning I said do that again I said look , I 'll get you out of bed .
8 I ran into him the other day . ’
9 I recommend to him a good paragraph in ’ Raising the Standard ’ : ’ We propose that every LEA should be placed under a legal duty to maintain a local inspectorate of schools , separate from any team of advisers or advisory teachers . ’
10 I wrote to him every few days and gave him the details of everything that happened and everyone I met .
11 I wrote for him the following poem ; it seems to me now rather jejune , but it was the spontaneous overflow from a heart both proud and anxious , and not greatly concerned with turning out a literary exemplar : Parachutists ( for L.G.C. )
12 In Lawrence 's Women in Love , completed in 1916 , Birkin contemplates the purchase of a ‘ clear , beautiful chair ’ which expresses for him the living thoughts of ‘ England , even Jane Austen 's England ’ , before these were destroyed by ‘ sordid and foul mechanicalness ’ .
13 But like , Mr really really bad like maths teacher , he goes erm he goes to , she goes to him the other day oh you 're only picking on me cos I got ginger hair !
14 He finds Miriam appealing and she holds for him the added attraction of being married and committed herself .
15 Lord Burlington also employed the services of an architect named Campbell , who built for him a beautiful temple , based on the Temple of Romulus in Rome .
16 Very quickly this initial impression vanished as she recognised in him a dazzling personality , a person who had only to enter a room and the pace of things altered .
17 What had she seen in him the other day that had been so disturbing ?
18 Oh yeah , I , but I did n't realize you know with him the old man , the toughy , yeah
19 She thought about him a good deal , and she was troubled because she could n't feel sure about her feelings towards him .
20 She stared at him a long while , then shrugged .
21 He had had a good deal of experience of the deliberate malice of political adversaries , who felt for him a genuine fear that was replaced by contempt only for his lesser colleagues .
22 There they were met by Viscount Aimar , who had with him a large force of Gascon routiers under a chief called William Arnald .
23 The largest section under David Stirling , who had with him the repaired ‘ Blitz Buggy ’ , headed for the escarpment above Fuka .
24 you said to him the other night .
25 Cos we said to him the other day how much is so and so Jonathan ?
26 The terrible bitterness against his parents that had led to his writing a book meant to shock them had faded into indifference ; yet there lingered in him an understandable vindictiveness .
27 There stretched before him a great expanse of mud-trodden grass , gleaming brokenly like water viewed from a height in the summer sun .
28 His extraordinary eyes he veiled with lowered lids and humility , and only the satirical curve of his long lips , accentuated by those twin russet flames that forked upwards through his short black beard , caused the chamberlain who admitted him to look at him a second time .
29 For Ricky Stride , association with Minton was like being in the presence of an exploding star : anything might happen , for he created around him an exciting and excitable atmosphere .
30 I will tell you my secret belief : that for Gustave , in a way he only half-apprehended , I represented life , and that his rejection of me was the more violent because it provoked in him the deepest shame .
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