Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [prep] [art] first place " in BNC.

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1 But perhaps a better title might be how to prevent things going wrong , on the argument you know that prevention is better than cure and rather than trying to put problems right which have already happened , it might be better to try to prevent them happening in the first place .
2 This non-drying adhesive stays very sticky for months and can be squeezed out onto a strip of tape around benches , staging , individual pots , or even across doorways to prevent them walking in the first place .
3 One roadie said I should have thought about it before I accepted in the first place . ’
4 Perhaps we should consider publishing details of the many failures in Conservative councils throughout the country , and not least in the borough in which this House is situated which , while exporting its homeless to other authorities , appears to be guilty of the illegal sale of houses that were not its to sell in the first place .
5 The reason for the two limbs of this rule is purely technical to ensure that there is neither an exclusion of damages for breach of duty , nor an exclusion of any duty which exists in the first place .
6 It reached a point where a number of people 's art collections began to be more valuable than the businesses that had allowed them to buy in the first place . ’
7 Many techniques for stress reduction can be appropriated by the same injunctions to succeed that got you stressed in the first place , and should be discontinued if you spot that they have been subverted in this way ( unless your goal has also changed along the way from stress reduction to record-breaking ) .
8 The two who came in the first place .
9 Indeed , is this not what you advised in the first place ?
10 Once you begin lying , it is hard not to go on because it is impossible to explain why you lied in the first place .
11 Comfort eating and disliking yourself are two classic symptoms of depression , so try to work out why you started in the first place .
12 What a pity she did not discover that all she needed in the first place to remove the ‘ writer 's cramp ’ was to rest her right elbow on the table when writing instead of letting it hang over the edge without support !
13 I thought you were an experienced professional or I 'd never have let you go in the first place !
14 More than likely , you came out of the cinema wondering why you went in the first place .
15 ‘ Although you should n't need to hear it , and you should never have believed what you did in the first place
16 That way you see what it was you liked in the first place , and you see it fresh and clean again — like new .
17 I also wish to thank the hon. Member for Glasgow , Shettleston ( Mr. Marshall ) who suggested in the first place that the Bill should apply to Scotland as well as to England and Wales .
18 If that is what we specified we wanted in the first place .
19 What a recipe for disaster — going back to that Spanish girl who 'd got him sacked in the first place , and then …
20 By removing the incentive to become or to stay competitive , countries risk losing in the longer term the benefits they sought in the first place .
21 That 's probably what got him started in the first place .
22 Suitably indignant this week over the pogrom nonsense , he can address the city 's racial tensions with a transparent decency and integrity that did much to get him elected in the first place — and that have served the city well since 1989 .
23 As a rule of thumb , moving a nearly new greenhouse will only cost about the same as it would to have it erected in the first place .
24 Either you have lost the letter or you did n't have it to lose in the first place , in which case the king never gave it to you , i which case he gave it to me , in which case I would have put it into my inside top pocket in which case ( Calmly producing the letter ) … it will be … here .
25 Indeed why did it flourish in the first place ?
26 For a start , there 's a whole team of people who work to make sure it happens in the first place .
27 This is what one would expect in a process that feeds back positively on itself , further promoting the conditions that got it going in the first place .
28 When a commentary on Michael Rutter 's Fifteen Thousand Hours was formulated by Tizard and others ( 1980 ) it acknowledged in the first place that in the report an impressive base of data supported " an architecture in which many common sense perceptions about schools were co-ordinated " ( Tizard et al.
29 The big pitfall is the prospect of a currency loss if sterling declines still further , which can wipe out the benefit of interest rate savings and leave the borrower owing more debt than he borrowed in the first place .
30 ‘ Ca n't think how he escaped in the first place , ’ complained the Home Secretary .
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