Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [verb] the [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I hate it when people cry , cos it makes me want to do the same thing .
2 They 're just confirming that not everyone has to sing the same song .
3 There 's so many good bands and good records being made but the audience for them has remained the same size . ’
4 There 's so many good bands and good records being made but the audience for them has remained the same size . ’
5 Once I got arrested one morning for soliciting , but they let me out of the police station ; I got arrested the same afternoon , they let me out again ; I got arrested in the evening and they kept me in and took me to court the next day .
6 I tried to put the same sentiment into that landscape as I put into the figure : the convulsive , passionate clinging to the earth , and yet being half torn up by the storm . ’
7 Q. Blanket weed caused me tremendous problems in my Koi pond last summer , and I want to avoid the same thing happening this year .
8 See I want to get the same sort of material though as what the other liners , I want to stick the two liners together to make all one great big pond you see right the way across the garden but the other pond might be about two foot deep , this one 's gon na go down
9 I want to catch the same train out you see
10 I 'd felt powerless when I was abused as a child and I 'd felt the same powerlessness with the bank manager .
11 I 'd used the same plan as the previous day , but must have forgotten to change persons on board from two to one — dickhead !
12 The children with whom I worked had the least opportunity in terms of personal development and careers , and they were likely to be drawn into a variety of different forms of behaviour , among which the first was often the use of and then addiction to tobacco .
13 After tearing both my ACL and MCL ( medial collateral ligament ) in a skiing accident last season , I decided to take the latter course and found that I could ski relatively safely with the aid of a brace .
14 For this feature , I decided to use the same view , but chose two different seasons and two tinted watercolours papers in parallel .
15 As you know , I decided to keep the same colour scheme as we have in Paris .
16 If I try to enter the same thing , it does n't work .
17 I went to see the former legionnaire at the pub in Paddington where he was working .
18 I had thought the same thing .
19 I came home quite convinced that I 'd never met anyone since that I had had the same feeling for .
20 I 've seen the same kind of thing in the Sorcery Chambers at Tara .
21 But I 've , what I 'm saying Rod is I 've done the same thing
22 I 've been I 've been advised chair that I 've made the same mistake as you did so .
23 I 've shared the same ball as Waqar and Wasim all series , so why have n't I had the same degree of success ?
24 I 've had the same dream , ’ she said .
25 I 've had the same look for the last 7–8 years and during that time I 've put on some weight .
26 I 've had the same sort of experience in Germany where Everybody 's Somebody 's Fool was re-released and was a big hit all over again . ’
27 You do n't though you have n't got the same shape as me I 've got the same shape as her big hip bum no , big hip bones
28 got first which I 'll get a different trophy from last year cos I 've got the same trophy for two years .
29 Can I just a minute , because I 've got the same feeling .
30 resources and her own houses in America , and I 've got the same thing here .
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