Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [verb] him to the " in BNC.

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1 I intend to introduce him to the Führer at that meeting , General .
2 I dived towards the scarlet streaks and touched him at once , but there was no movement in him , and when I tried to pull him to the surface , I could n't .
3 But I could n't let go of him , I had to get him to the cops .
4 I 've invited him to the rectory for dinner .
5 I have dedicated him to the blessed St John the Baptist and had him circumcised . ’
6 ‘ He was always talking about the past but I wanted to introduce him to the present .
7 Secondly , Sir Angus was barely a year out of the Civil Service after a career which had taken him to the chairmanship of the Customs and Excise .
8 For that evening , as work finished , the Zoo Curator himself had summoned him to the building near the Cages where they did a lot of the scientific and veterinary work on the birds .
9 Here is the story of his life and of the succession of movies , remarkably similar in tone and most of them featuring actors like Robert de Niro and Harvey Keitel , which have raised him to the status of ( perhaps ) the world 's most famous film director .
10 That she 'd introduced him to the Fletchers to keep him there … well , she deserved it .
11 Only last week she had told Henry ( who had lived in Maple Drive for twelve years ) that she wished to welcome him to the neighbourhood .
12 Either by accident or as punishment for his sins , she had left him to the mercy of the Bogeyman .
13 Anyone who became Nawab expected to be rich , and took it for granted that he should reward those who had helped him to the throne .
14 You have to expose him to the temptation , do n't you ?
15 Fleischmann 's entry reports ‘ music , cooking , skiing , walking ’ — nothing very remarkable here perhaps , but they helped to bring him to the most intense period of his scientific career .
16 As a result they had taken him to the police , and then Sommerville had been questioned .
17 It had reduced him to the same level , just another anonymous treatment that her body had required .
18 but if he had sent him to the eye hospital he 'd have waited two years .
19 The doctor had wanted to bring him here but was not very happy about making the same journey twice , so he had taken him to the next valley .
20 So what has brought the best known boxer on the unofficial circuit , the best known bouncer in town , the man who has inspired film scripts and tall tales in the snooker halls , once one of the six people in Britain said to be able to bench-press 500 pounds , what has brought him to the dock in front of Judge Richard Lowry and to the possibility of spending the rest of his life locked up with robbers and rapists ?
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