Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [verb] their [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 After I 've heard their conversation for God 's sake you know , have a bit of heart !
2 The only thing these artists have in common is their gallery of origin the Bachelier-Cardonsky of Kent , Connecticut , USA which has sent their work for the first time ever to Paris where it can be seen at Gianna Sistu for a month .
3 For the separatists , IME offers escape from the system — political as well as economic — which has imprisoned their nation for half a century .
4 The fragmentation of classical studies from " life outside " and the further fragmentation within classical studies itself ironically symbolize the much wider disintegration which had been deplored by the Romantic philhellenes and which had evoked their yearning for Greece in the first place .
5 well , that 's a good point you see somebody who has slogged their way for a decade through messy complicated family litigation or have even represented myself in court in front of a judge in the court of session and one , and I 'm very proud of this I did this last May um I know how tough the going is
6 There they managed to capture two Germans who had stopped their lorry for a rest , and obtained a jerrycan full of water .
7 I remember going to Government House with Pop to lunch with the Wavells who had divided their house for wounded and men on leave , and had heard of our soldiers in Maymyo and in Poona .
8 These people had been contacted by a couple who had opened their home for evangelistic supper parties .
9 According to reports , clashes occurred after black Mauritanians , who had left their country for Mali during the dispute with Senegal , had organized raids into Mauritania to recover the livestock which they had left there .
10 Readers who wish to express their concern for the fate of the Taiwan Ten should write to : His Excellency Teuku Mohamad Hadi Thayed , The Indonesian Embassy , 38 Grosvenor Square , London W1X 9AD .
11 It was the working class who wanted to use their money for flamboyant display .
12 ‘ A lot of the credit for that goes not only to the photographers themselves who have argued their case for greater prominence , but a great debt is owed to people like the editor Harold Evans who pioneered the creative use of photography in papers .
13 Right what do we want to improve their wealth for ?
14 What is certain is that as the relationship between doctors and their patients becomes less paternalistic , so must the manner in which we seek to obtain their consent for treatment .
15 Only so can we hope to retain their enthusiasm for what must inevitably sometimes seem a long and weary journey .
16 It was a busier time for us because we had to feed the the the six of them w we put them into a big shed and they just slept there but we we gave them their dinner , they managed to make their own breakfast and their tea whatever They had bread and stuff like that but we had to make their dinner for them .
17 They intend to press their demand for a British referendum , towards the end of the committee stage .
18 The dancing was held outside , in the open air behind the pavilion , a band playing hot jazz as Rachel and Damian led the dancing by the gleam of the swimming-pool , and the rhythm of their bodies as they moved blazed their desire for each other to the watching guests .
19 ‘ Mr McQuaid 's room is ready , ’ Maggie said as they prepared to take their leave for the night .
20 We exchanged a smile as they struggled to make their need for agua without gaz understood .
21 The argument is that provided they do use their power for the benefit of the public rather than for their own personal gain that power is legitimate .
22 On Oct. 3 a statement issued in Abu Dhabi , one of the United Arab Emirates ( UAE ) , by the majority shareholders of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International ( BCCI ) , which had been closed down on July 5 , 1991 , amid allegations of massive corruption and fraud [ see p. 38355 ] , announced that they had withdrawn their support for an attempted rescue of the bank .
23 Alexei remembered how Tulagai and Targoutai had fawned on Siban before Nogai had been elected Kha-Khan , and how they had voiced their support for Nogai , their own half-brother , as soon as it had become apparent that he had Burun 's vote .
24 Most of the lines had been built by property speculators , who once they had sold their land for housing , had no further interest in running trams .
25 The accident provided councillors on Orkney with fresh ammunition as they prepare to put their case for stricter controls on shipping in the area to Lord Donaldson , who is expected to visit Orkney next week as part of his inquiry following the Braer disaster .
26 Consequently , our lads , whenever they wished to express their contempt for the French , would show them two fingers .
27 She is furious that he has married beneath him , but appalled when her vicious attack on him threatens to end their relationship for ever .
28 They have made their case for the ordination of women with obvious conviction , backed up with arguable facts ( in my opinion ) — but the whole argument is delivered in a studiously temperate and fair way that will impress even those who disagree with it .
29 ‘ But I know some people have felt so miserable they have seen their doctor for some medicine and have been told that the fumes are the likely cause of their symptoms .
30 Although Eagles ' defence was rarely put to the test , they need to improve their control for the sterner tasks that lie ahead next season .
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