Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [verb] in [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Well I tend to move in the same fleet .
2 The person on duty disappeared out the back and I went to sit in the same seat where I had sat the night before .
3 If I decide to remove all the fish but the brichardi , how many resultant pairs of offspring should I allow to breed in the same tank as the parents ?
4 I had to sleep in the same room as loads of them on account of we said I was his secretary . ’
5 But I 've lived in the same house with my daughter-in-law for four years .
6 I have lived in the same flat for 2½ years , and so far I 've made no new friends at all .
7 A portrait of a child by Luis Paret y Alcazar ( 1746–1799 ) which has remained in the same family since it was painted is expected to sell for more than Pta40 million ( £220,000 ; $429,000 ) .
8 Where a road which bears all the marks of having been laid out by the enclosure commissioners makes , at longish intervals , a sudden right-angled bend , sometimes two bends in quick succession , one can be pretty certain that though it was planned by the commissioners it follows an even older line from one village to the next , a line which had deviated in the same way around the heads of medieval furlongs .
9 How terrible to adore like this so that you want to lie in the same grave and share nothing with the world but live above it like Zeus and Hera .
10 4.5 In Lim Poh Choo v Camden and Islington Area Health Authority [ 1980 ] AC 174 ( per Lord Scarman giving the main speech with which the rest of their Lordships agreed ) the House of Lords re-affirmed what Lord Blackburn had said over 100 years ago : " the principle of the law is that compensation should as nearly as possible put the party who has suffered in the same position as he would have been if he had not sustained the wrong " ( Livingstone v Rawyards Coal Co ( 1880 ) 5 App Cas 25 , 39 ) .
11 After the hearing Mrs Todd , who has lived in the same house for 27 years , said she had no plans to move .
12 She has written in the same magazine ( June 1987 ) on the Book of Exodus , warning that a reading of the Bible as literature , rather than as sacred text , ‘ can not lift heavenward ’ .
13 A woman retiring at 60 will get a lower pension from a PP than a man would at 65 , even if she has paid in the same amount over the same number of years .
14 ‘ I told you to keep going in the same direction .
15 If you do live in the same house as your landlord and he or she wants you to leave the property then he or she must still give you at least four weeks Notice to Quit on a special form .
16 The Czechoslovak Communist leader , Klement Gottwald , who had died in the same year as Stalin and was embalmed like him and Lenin , suffered the indignity of springing a leak , loosing fluid , and slowly decomposing .
17 After Wordsworth 's marriage she continued to live in the same house ; in 1829 she became seriously ill , suffering from arteriosclerosis .
18 Maintaining initial capital intact would be useless if you wanted to remain in the same business .
19 They report that the odds of qualifying for HE for the upwardly mobile are doubled relative to those who have stayed in the same social class .
20 It was because the parties had all analysed the nature of the problem we had to decide in the same way that it was agreed at the outset of the hearing before us that the central question we had to answer was this : in what capacity are High Court judges sitting when they sit as visitors to the Inns of Court in disciplinary cases ?
21 ‘ There are no easy games and we have to perform in the same manner that has taken us where we are today . ’
22 Nicholas Edwards at the Welsh Office , George Younger at the Scottish Office , and Mrs Thatcher herself had remained in the same posts since May 1979 .
23 However , I shall argue that it is only when they do point in the same direction that conditions are suitable for the development of intelligent beings who can ask the question : why does disorder increase in the same direction of time as that in which the universe expands ?
24 He had kept the same job , they had lived in the same house , they had rented the same seaside bungalow for a summer holiday , year in year out .
25 He fell into step beside her and they continued to walk in the same direction .
26 As Caroline told me : ‘ Once you have indicated that you like to buy from the comfort of your armchair , other companies assume you will want to know about the products they have to sell in the same way ’ .
27 They tended to move in the same circles and share many of the same values as the liberal nobility and progressively minded public opinion articulated by journalists , writers , professors , and students .
28 Okay , just about it now Okay , gon na ask each group what marks they 've given and why , now it 's not for the other team to justify it because it 's all a subjective thing but the thing is we 're hopefully marking them against the same criteria as everybody else because we 've all been in the same place and listened to the same things and read the same things , however , now we know obviously it does n't necessarily mean that everybody 's taken in the same things .
29 For 18 years he has lived in the same house in London 's Gospel Oak , though he could easily afford the neighbouring and more upmarket Hampstead .
30 It appears that at most it means falling in the same paragraph of Sched 1 .
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