Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adj] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Other males appear to be able to tell when females are near to laying , and try their best to seduce them using prolonged bouts of song and courtship display : sometimes they succeed and the female allows a strange male to mate with her .
2 Since the IPG approaches its information items in the widest possible context , liaison with researchers helps its writers pick up the concerns of other agencies and enables them to include other sources of information and views .
3 Lobbying by pharmaceutical companies has already watered down a proposed directive which at first suggested forcing them to include detailed information on dosage and usage on advertisements .
4 Drinkwise 1993 is designed to provide the public with information about alcohol to help them make informed choices about drinking .
5 She do n't pay me got another pack of peanuts so I have got a few that few , but you do n't need any old bag do you ?
6 Do you know what it did to me to see that animal on top of you , about to … ? ’
7 However , larger companies like Ford have also woken up to the fact that it could help them build small runs of specialist cars — the Ford RS200 for example — cheaply and quickly , which gave the movement momentum .
8 We use the same A , B , C , as in Example 1 , but select as our starting vector submatrix unc In choosing Yo we have selected simple vectors which are clearly linearly independent , and which between them bring all elements in A into operation in the formation of Wo .
9 Oh , they 'll be back , they 've none of them got that sort of money .
10 This underlying biologism allows them to preserve traditional concepts of gender .
11 Phalangist officers of the time insist that he told them to kill 40 Muslims in reprisal .
12 Teachers have made links that have enabled them to write entire modules for GCSE and to involve people from industry in the classroom .
13 As most of their expansion had been in transport sectors , it was a natural step for them to try switching production from trucks to tanks .
14 Everyone has some kind of world view .
15 It is largely up to the banks themselves to decide on the ratio that they consider to be ‘ prudent ’ : i.e. the ratio that provides them with enough liquid assets to enable them to meet any demands for cash .
16 COLLEGE lecturers at Colchester Institute are to strike in protest over new contracts forcing them to work longer hours including weekends and bank holidays .
17 It causes them to suffer temporary lapses of memory and to have difficulty in concentrating for a short period of two to three hours .
18 If any House of the Dead notebooks had survived I would expect them to contain sudden leaps of discovery and creative arrivals like ‘ Most important — it 's a chronicle 'and
19 Indeed , given the high claims monarchs made for themselves , and the excesses of adoration with which they were treated — and by the time of Mary Queen of Scots , this had reached a very high level indeed — we may wonder that so many of them retained any sense of balance at all .
20 You may live in a modern house where the style of bare floorboards is acceptable , but nothing beats good carpeting as insulation .
21 Needless to say , with such a busy schedule none of them has any time for girlfriends .
22 The force between them has some correspondence with Newton 's finding that the gravitational force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them .
23 Many of the disciplines of contemplation have been designed precisely to wean the mind and head away from these earth-bound modes of perception to help them to discover another kind of experience , which they call ‘ spiritual ’ .
24 Durham County may stand on the threshold of a magnificent new era but it is difficult to imagine them matching that sort of fixture .
25 It thereupon wrote to all institutions offering advanced work asking them to provide detailed information about student numbers and other aspects of planning forward to 1984–5 .
26 Two of them bore long fruits like courgettes , though pink in colour and set with needles like a cactus .
27 The distinction you need to practise could also be between two sounds where both or one of them causes real difficulty in pronunciation as well as being contrastive .
28 May I make two points in reply to the hon. Gentleman ?
29 Shall I make another pot of tea .
30 And did n't I make some sort of arrangement to meet somebody ?
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