Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But it was actually hearing Duane Allman that made me want to go for a powerful kind of electric sound .
2 I became engaged in a violent battle , first on behalf of the profession and subsequently as a mediator , when Mrs Barbara Castle — then the Secretary of State for Health and Social Security — pursued an honourable , but in my view misguided , determination to eradicate private practice from this country .
3 At the age of 42 I applied to go on a two-year business and finance course and finally , after a lot of readjustment , I have just had the results — pass with a few distinctions and merits thrown in .
4 When , in his thirties , he took driving lessons and passed his test Dorothy refused to go out in the car with him : ‘ I intend to live to a ripe old age , thank you very much . ’
5 In the end I got moved into a single cell : apparently a lot of this girl 's stuff went missing and she practically accused me .
6 ‘ It was in Kabul that I got caught in a safe house , ’ another term he 'll always think of differently , ‘ by the secret police and I was put in prison .
7 But on the day I went to Makaha I got distracted by a shapely wave and a firm offshore and met no one apart from a lifeguard in the tower and a girl on the beach .
8 I got zapped by a flying saucer , ’ Bill explained .
9 Indeed , when I visited the Pride Club recently , I got talking to a gay man who had been present that night and remembered it with anger and disgust .
10 ‘ I may be old-fashioned , ’ Alec sighed , ‘ but I hate experimenting in a lonely spot like this . ’
11 Facing the loathsome rat-men I tend to opt for a defensive strategy and try and inflict as many casualties as possible at long range .
12 I knew he was there , and that if I tried to move in a certain direction I 'd bump into him .
13 I tried to change into a different person — shorter hair , a moustache , quiet suits .
14 I propose to broadcast on a world-wide scale , a message to the good folk of this fair planet . ’
15 In Chapter 5 I propose to look at a different aspect of metalinguistic politics : the way in which grammarians and linguists have projected a male/ female dichotomy on to the languages of the world , and their attempts to use grammar as a tactical weapon in the battle of the sexes .
16 Having said that , the question of to whom the resource should be provided must be addressed , and here I propose to generalise to a large extent , though initially to make reference to the local situation .
17 I rose to preach with a jolly remark about there being an official opposition , ‘ but perhaps it will be going for a walk in a little while ’ .
18 I suggest starting with a cheaper jacket until you get hooked — and you can always wear it at weekends afterwards .
19 I want to lie in a sunny green field .
20 I want to live in a small village. ,
21 I want to live in a big house , with lots of rooms . ’
22 In this context I want to refer to a brief but highly significant passage in Richards 's Practical Criticism .
23 I want to arrange for a commemorative postage stamp to be printed with my portrait on it .
24 I want to progress to a 386 or 486 chip to enable me to take full advantage of Windows 3.1 and DOS 5 and of the increasing amount of software that requires this minimum .
25 I feel I can encapsulate the feeling in the music and then say what I want to say in a direct manner .
26 ‘ Hmm , maybe , ’ replied Rachel thoughtfully , then , changing the subject , she said , ‘ I think I 'll go to lunch now , then later this afternoon I want to get in a quick swim . ’
27 The origin of this very basic and particularly European way of thought lies in the experience that I appear to exist as a conscious entity within my body , and yet remain distinguishable from my body .
28 What am I expected to do on a regular basis ?
29 So , I did what I learnt to do as a working-class woman , which was to justify why I did my work by saying , well of course it is a metaphor for all kinds of struggle , and of course it is , but actually the original reason was n't that at all .
30 I bend to look under a low archway in a dark corner and find a narrow spiral staircase , designed to accommodate only very small and undernourished skivvies .
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