Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 And , as I hope to demonstrate from time to time in later chapters , it is as legitimate to utilize Lévi-Straussian notions where these seem appropriate and fruitful as it is to derive inspiration from Freud — without necessarily being a dogmatic , doctrinaire Freudian .
2 I remember sneaking from school to watch old Titford 's funeral procession and standing under the chestnut trees and thinking how beautiful the singing in church sounded .
3 I always find much of interest in each issue as it reaches me and if I do criticise from time to time , this is meant to be constructive and helpful .
4 By the time I had children of my own , I had overcome by fear to a great extent but I was still a little nervous .
5 I had to go below ground to an office where I spoke to a policeman .
6 As the DGM was later to point out ‘ The 45 per cent included the revenue which I had negotiated for transfer to other districts which had been dependent on Horton and Banstead .
7 Many 's the time I 've slipped from top to bottom of the ladder , making a noise like the crack of doom , which was not however , sufficient to wake them ( as I could tell by their uninterrupted snores ) .
8 ‘ Well , I do like that , ’ Miss Poraway was saying , pointing at a cartoon cut from the WRVS News that someone had stuck with Sellotape to the dashboard of the van .
9 I desire to speak in answer to it , your Grace , ’ said the man , stooping obsequiously to the extended hand .
10 Oh , yes , I know I 've got tomorrow off as well , but David 's off today too , and he 's promised to ferry me around if I need to go from place to place . ’
11 " I have gone from failure to failure , with France , alas , the loser .
12 What I have written in relation to barristers as advocates applies equally to solicitors .
13 Again , the same question may be asked as that which I have asked in relation to Schüssler Fiorenza 's work : given that in every age women have been mistreated at the hands of men , how much do present-day women really have in common with biblical women ?
14 I am convinced that zander often shoal up or gather in great numbers when they are not hunting and to come across one of these occurrences as I have done from time to time is an unbelievably exciting experience .
15 From what I have gathered from talking to other business people they have also seen an increase in business .
16 trouble is I have to leave at quarter to eight
17 I have read from cover to cover with great interest , and now hasten to enclose my subscription .
18 I have thought from time to time that I would like to write and let you know how much those lessons meant to me — and now I am !
19 I have listened with concern to what the hon. Gentleman said about this matter .
20 I have listened with care to what the hon. Gentleman has said about the matter .
21 Further to our telephone conversation today , I have pleasure in enclosing a copy of the document I have drafted in response to the Government 's proposed National Sustainability Report being prepared in the wake of last year 's Earth Summit .
22 Erm , there is one slight technical problem which I have to overcome in relation to a computer terminal but I 'll erm face that problem at if and when that situation develops .
23 On the other hand , I have needed from time to time to provide a certain amount of background , because the progress of a friendship can not be traced otherwise than by describing attendant circumstances .
24 ‘ Initially I planned this simply because I wanted to go from coast to coast , but then I thought I might as well try and raise some money for the hospice which is on my beat .
25 Like most radio services , paging is limited by the regulatory authorities ' allocation of frequencies , which tend to differ from country to country .
26 In the light of the serious situation which has arisen in relation to the Maxwell case , will my right hon. Friend take a good look at the pension funds of ABG Research , which is about to be wound up ?
27 Maladministration is not defined , but it is usually taken to mean administrative action ( or inaction ) which has led to unfairness to a member of the public .
28 ONE railway which has progressed from strength to strength is the ‘ Coal Yard Branch Line ’ at Kidderminster Town Station on the Severn Valley Railway .
29 Lord John was hurrying round the edge of the room , making for a back entrance , but Sharpe simply took the direct route which meant jumping from table to table straight across the room .
30 As she rose , her eyes , which had flicked from side to side , looked him in the face for the first time .
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