Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [verb] [noun sg] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I meant to go to the bank last , I meant to get cash for that guy but I 'll make him a cheque .
2 I thought Thank goodness for that .
3 I do think answer for that one er erm I 'm not aware of any paper that 's published presenting that and we came as close as we could to answering that but nobody really knows for sure .
4 And I had developed respect for these beautiful predators .
5 I 've run Sleet for twenty-five years .
6 I 've made provision for all I 'm ever going to need ! ’
7 I 've had dandruff for some time and now my scalp has started to itch as well , but nothing seems to clear it up .
8 I have played rugby for several years at various levels .
9 Well , I have practised yoga for many years , but then I met a Jesuit priest who had been sent to the Far East by the Catholic Church to experience the Buddhist way and see how it might relate to Catholic worship .
10 I have ordered dinner for two in my suite . ’
11 I have included help for those pilots trying out different gliders , and have suggested how to explore the handling of a new machine and how to minimise risks .
12 I have known Hankin for many years .
13 The conservatism which has held sway for several generations is increasingly giving way to a recognition of the aims and ideals of the peace movement — particularly successful in wooing ‘ middle Australia ’ .
14 He went on to propose a Rainbow Curriculum — without actually reading it first — which tried to teach tolerance for all , but in the process had to discuss homosexuality with kids of eight .
15 The issue before the court was whether an elaborately drawn exclusion clause in the bill of lading , which purported to limit liability for independent contractors , could be relied upon by the stevedores despite the privity rule .
16 Hence a hotelier may not , in a case which has resulted in the death of or personal injury to a lawful visitor due to the hotelier 's breach of duty under the OLA 1957 , rely upon a notice or clause which purports to exclude liability for such injury .
17 Nevertheless Axelrod worked out that , if only somebody had submitted Tit for Two Tats , it would have won the tournament .
18 He points a finger at my unspeakable carpet , which had escaped mention for many chapters and would continue to do so for those remaining .
19 The broadcast , which featured Mr Hurd , Foreign Secretary , and Mr Heseltine , Environment Secretary , acknowledged there had been a recession which had caused pain for some people .
20 Experts believed that the death toll could have been much higher but for the recently installed early warning system which had allowed time for many people to move to safety or to use the 300 concrete cyclone shelters built under the Cyclone Preparedness Programme , run mainly by the Bangladesh Red Crescent .
21 In addition to issuing accounting standards the ASC have issued Statements of Recommended Practice ( SORPs ) , which are not mandatory , and ‘ franked ’ SORPs which have limited application for specific industry groups .
22 Security Minister Sir John Wheeler , who has inherited responsibility for this cauldron of hatred , must have revised his initial appraisal that the IRA ‘ has already been defeated ’ .
23 As a person who has supported devolution for 20 years , I would rather see the House have the courage of its convictions and reject the Bill .
24 ‘ Before any enactment existed with regard to actions by solicitors for their costs , a solicitor stood in the same position as any other person who has done work for another at his request , and could sue as soon as the work which he was retained to do was finished , without having delivered any signed bill of costs or waiting for any time after the delivery of such a bill .
25 The 10-feet high palings , with their broad central gates and twin gas lamps , may not be as imposing as the metal fence around Buckingham Palace , but they do , in their modest way , suggest a sense of grandeur appropriate to a leader who has held office for 10 years .
26 He and his girlfriend , who has used heroin for six years , live in their own home in one of Wirral 's well-heeled townships .
27 ‘ This is a sad and tragic business , with one young lady dead and the other knowing she has to accept responsibility for that death , ’ he said .
28 You do record production for other bands , and you did the original demos for Van Halen , which I had n't realised until recently .
29 A seller who wishes to exclude liability for third party infringement can do so to some extent by relying on SGA 1979 , s 12(3) and ( 4 ) or SGSA 1982 , s 2(3) and ( 4 ) , ( contracting to pass only such title as the seller may have , subject to disclosure of known encumbrances and a warranty of no interference in quiet possession by the seller ) .
30 ‘ I hope you 've had time for other things as well ? ’
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