Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] on the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Had I taken up my station on the same day two , three or even four hundred years earlier the same spectacle would have presented itself , completely unchanged .
2 And then you mentioned Thorn House , and my birth on the same day as Donna , and she was so shocked she spilled her tea .
3 I would go to my chamber on the same gallery as poor Cosmas and , of course , notice something was wrong .
4 It 's the second incident of its kind on the same stretch of motorway , in two days .
5 The government , publishing its reply on the same day , stated that it had no legal liability to pay compensation , rejected the report 's assertions that actions fell short of the standards appropriate to the regulator , and further asserted that the general handling of the licensing of the Barlow Clowes partnership was careful and considerate .
6 George Stacey is charged with murdering Christine Campbell on the 19 of November , Martin Stacey with concealing her body on the same date .
7 It may be that some hereditary peers are well worth a place , but it is also true that some who are not hereditary peers are equally deserving and it is hard to argue that they should not be considered on their merits on the same basis , with life peerages being conferred on those most suitable .
8 Bartram then told Miller about his method of collecting specimens of pines ; when they are in flower and the young cone just impregnated , and asked whether European pines set their cones on the same spring 's shoot , ‘ or the second year 's wood , as by your draught , the Scotch Pine doth ? ’
9 Ion Aurel Stoica , leader of the government 's negotiating team and Minister of State for the Quality of Life and Social Security , offered his resignation on the same day but it was rejected by Roman .
10 Though he did n't actively encourage her , Mr Armstrong had no objections to putting his daughter on the same stage .
11 He did not mention , however , that his answer on the same occasion made it absolutely clear that the proposed regimental cuts would proceed irrespective of the findings of the Defence Select Committee report .
12 Since the Poet indicts himself , we are tempted to reject his artefacts on the same basis , as being either sordid or trivial .
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