Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] from side to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Lonely This Christmas ’ by Mud was playing of the radio and I was swinging my body from side to side in time to the music in order to pass the time .
2 I have learned to please , to gauge and sniff the air before I move off , to swing my head from side to side as I put one foot carefully in front of the other , ears and hair raised to twang on the slightest change in the atmosphere .
3 With a strong crosswind I sighted over my mentor 's left shoulder during the approach , only moving my head from side to side in the final stages to get a symmetrical perspective for the flare .
4 ‘ Uh , uh , ’ I wagged my head from side to side .
5 I bobbled my head from side to side .
6 But for me it 's a bit like a tennis match — I get tired of turning my head from side to side listening to you . ’
7 Then I realized most of the visitors and all the residents were watching me and I turned my head from side to side to see why I was getting that uncomfortable my-flies-must-be-open feeling .
8 I sat down and began switching my tail from side to side to let her know that I was constantly alert and maybe a little unpredictable .
9 She stood poised for a moment , stretched her mouth wide , licked her lips , moved her shoulders from side to side , then let her body sway , waited for the chorus to finish and the verse to start and she went on .
10 As they crawl , they wave their heads from side to side .
11 Norris ' ideas seem highly plausible and if this amazing and beautiful process is a correct understanding of part of the physical aspects of the dolphin 's 3-D sonar system , it also explains why they move their heads from side to side while they are emitting their characteristic echo-locating clicks — they are simply scanning their targets for angular , 3-D information .
12 The others were all shaking their heads from side to side .
13 She slumps , exhausted , moving only her eyes from side to side as she follows our next exchange .
14 Jaw locking , with the pair head to head , holding each other 's mouth and swinging their tails from side to side , all forms part of the overall pre-spawning display ritual .
15 Most had ignored him , some had ruffled and flown in their cages from side to side , clashing their great talons on the bars to intimidate him .
16 The weaving horse not only swings its head and neck , but also the front end of its body from side to side .
17 She was still shaking her head from side to side and laughing softly when she shooed him from the kitchen and returned her attention to her magazine .
18 Julie stood on the sea wall and moved her head from side to side allowing the fresh wind from the estuary to blow through her hair .
19 Instead , Anna 's limbs suddenly began to jerk alarmingly and for several seconds she thrashed her head from side to side until tiny bubbles of foam appeared on her lips .
20 and tears , her neck aches from turning her head from side to side to avoid his mouth and her jaw from clamping itself shut .
21 His voice was no more than a faint whisper now but it was as if his words were spraying vitriol on her face , because she tossed her head from side to side as if throwing off the spray .
22 She wagged her head from side to side .
23 Lying back on her pillows , Elinor slowly shook her head from side to side but said nothing .
24 Then she sat down and shook her head from side to side at her daughter , disbelief in her eyes .
25 The larger chimp pulled herself up and rested her face against the bars , watching him sideways , while Fifi grinned and shook her head from side to side .
26 She hovered for a brief time over the trunk of the tree , tears streaming from her eyes , shuddering as the axes continued to cut into the wood , shaking her head from side to side .
27 Then she slithered into Lytham with 'em , Shaking out a rhythm with 'em , Wobb-er-ling and jogg-er-ling Her head from side to side .
28 But Jenna was too lost to reality to answer and when he unfastened the buttons on her blouse and found the high , taut peaks of her breasts she tossed her head from side to side in delight as his lips caressed them .
29 She stood , arms extended but bent , and slowly moved her head from side to side .
30 She shakes her head from side to side , her loose lip-flesh wobbling .
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