Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [v-ing] he [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Yet again , looking at this urbane relaxed figure seated opposite me and comparing him with the romantic figures of Spender and others or with the scruffy Auden , I found it difficult to believe that he was a poet and not rather some worldly and successful company director .
2 Yeltsin had said at a press conference after the Alma Ata meeting that " we do not want to follow the tradition which has taken shape since 1917 of burying each [ former ] head and leader of the state and subsequently reburying him or regarding him as a criminal " .
3 Zacchaeus became reconciled to God because Jesus , instead of ignoring him or treating him like an outcast , had deliberately gone out of his way to meet and befriend him .
4 But in the same split second something like an iron band clamped round his waist , squeezing the breath from him and bringing him to a dead stop .
5 Never before had she argued so passionately with a man , hating him and wanting him with an intensity that frightened her .
6 ‘ Mummy , I want Mummy , ’ hitting him and butting him in the stomach with her head , like a little goat .
7 Resorting to a dog-like whine , he complained to Theo : ‘ The dog feels that if they keep him , it will only mean putting up with him and tolerating him in the house , so he will try and find another kennel . ’
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