Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [vb base] them [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some furnishings , pot-holders and ornaments have a very strong-smelling varnish coating , particularly cheap bamboo products with a glossy surface If you have any items of this sort , banish them or put them in an airtight container .
2 You can align and rotate objects , group or ungroup them or move them to the front or back .
3 It is more difficult to keep within the powers they confer , to change them or interpret them on a pragmatic basis .
4 I took your violets home with me and have them in a vase in my room , and Mrs Gracie the housekeeper ( who owns the pug ) takes them out at night as she says they poison the air when one is asleep .
5 Thomas Buchanan had to hit them and push them to the top of the rock .
6 Back at the hacienda she abandoned the horses and fled to her room , leaving the others to see to them and turn them into the enclosures .
7 Actually my son 's rather disappointed , he was hoping to farm them and train them into a novelty act .
8 The best way to deal with them is to unbalance them , trip them and throw them to the ground .
9 And dried them and put them on the rack again .
10 And er I remembering Dad , once he bought a cherry tree , and went up to get all these here cherries off the trees , and when we got them we used to wipe them and put them in a bag , and sell them at the fairs .
11 After she had gone upstairs Carolyn collected them and put them in a jar on the mantelpiece .
12 He blanched and I would chill and bag them and put them in the freezer .
13 He even took them and put them in the litter-bin .
14 If there is someone at work whose approach to patients or clinical abilities you admire then observe them and use them as a role model .
15 unless they 're going to let , unless people are going to buy them and let them at a reasonable rent to people
16 ‘ I 'll press them and keep them between the pages of a book , to remind me of you . ’
17 Those too young for sailing still enjoy pottering around the beach and paddling around on old windsurfers , though a parent should stay to look after them and keep them from the nearby road .
18 I also heard that a party of girls from Bishop 's Home orphanage school in Rangoon had got stranded at Katha and I was able to send a telegram to Jack Cardew of the Burma Railways asking him to extricate them and get them on a train to Myitkyina .
19 Peel , halve and core them and place them in a saucepan … cover with the wine and a broken cinnamon stick and heat until barely simmering … wash the monkfish and pat dry with kitchen paper … just as the liquid begins to caramelise , add the lemon juice and stir vigorously … reduced to a quarter of its original volume … add the cubes one at a time … thread the piece of monkfish … reserving the liquid … baste the fruit continuously … intersperse with pears … hand the sauce separately …
20 What amazes me is how often they 'll say to me ‘ Thank you very much for treating me like a human being ’ because however drunk they are in the churchyard I always believe that you 're much more likely to get somewhere with somebody if you are polite and kind to them and treat them like a real human being , and you can get into all sorts of fascinating conversations with these people even when they are fairly drunk , because actually they are real human beings , they are n't awful people .
21 So they are , in a sense ( to be disputed on other grounds in a later chapter ) , but they are also molecules , and it is possible for human chemists to purify them , bottle them and store them on a shelf .
22 I 'd like people to bring in their cans from home , crush them and add them to the on-site collection .
23 In addition , mentally handicapped people have a right to expect people to understand them and accept them within the society of which they are a part ; a right to be born and a right to live .
24 The agonies of reading one 's most intimate feelings and thoughts aloud to a roomful of strangers , and then being expected to talk about them and explain them in an acceptably relaxed and humorous manner were more than I could bear .
25 Very soon dirty plates began to cascade down the chute and my job was to knock the food remains off them and transfer them to a mechanical washer .
26 And although he is adamant that the hardware business will not be run down , he did say that in future the firm will carefully weigh up whether it is more more cost-effective to manufacture products and components itself or buy them on the open market .
27 Pull out the magazine schemes that appeal most to you and stick them in a file ; mark the pages you like in books .
28 Take your guns , your knives and your and throw them into the sea .
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