Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [pers pn] [modal v] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It occurred to me that it might after all have really been a child , from one of the cottages at the bay to the east ; someone who had come to help Maria .
2 Being told in a spiteful , truculent way that you 're not perfect rings louder bells for you than it would for most .
3 China is using every negotiating device , and it is master of them all , to carve out as big a place for itself as it can in pre-1997 Hong Kong .
4 And now put mm now think of something that you could times that adds up to three hundred and sixty .
5 I have my doubts about this one but you may in due course get a proposal from him .
6 Right and we 'll leave the other sheet for now so 's you can have a look at that yourself if you would at some stage and just erm go through it .
7 Er establish trust much as possible and involve er and try and get involved yourself if you can in any way to er show that you 're , you understand the task that they 're doing .
8 Contributors invested in them as they would in any commercial building company and their philanthropy lay in accepting a return which , at 5 per cent , was lower than they would expect on the free market .
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