Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [pron] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Mr Bergg said : ‘ I would hate to think anyone would identify me or my party with the BNP .
2 Without having that understanding of what emotions are and what they are doing to us we can not analyse the way in which emotions disturb our balance and what that should teach us about ourselves and our relationship with the world .
3 Which question is more important to our understanding of ourselves and our position in the universe ?
4 We really needed her and were anxious to present ourselves and our properties in the best possible light .
5 Dr Ecker concludes that ‘ the ultimate step in the process of stress prevention is changing the way we view ourselves and our place in the world .
6 ( One of the originators once told me that his memory of the first few weeks of the organization was of people literally waiting in turn to answer the phone every time it rang . )
7 I am therefore satisfied that there is no interpretation of section 8 of the Act of 1969 — and certainly no ‘ settled ’ interpretation — which persuades me that my view of the clear meaning of the section is wrong .
8 If they find that their plans can not be carried out , this teaches them that their anticipations concerning the decisions of others were overly optimistic .
9 In turn we are able to tell them that our participation in the management of the company endorses our commitment to their business . ’
10 The ravages of lung cancer have left him so little of them that his evidence in the pioneering case against Imperial Tobacco had to be given in advance of the full hearing which is still possibly two years away .
11 Her or his rights before the law are , for example , deemed to be equal to those of a company director .
12 There was a trace of a Dorset accent in the voice , which had sufficient gravity in its tone to let D'Arcy know that he took himself and his position with the utmost seriousness .
13 Dustin recalled that the director drove himself and his crew to the limits of endurance by keeping them up half the night , as he was never satisfied with the outcome of one take .
14 Cotton marketed himself and his talents in the same way .
15 It took Edwards 's warrant card , two library tickets , a pay-slip and a snapshot of himself and his fiancee on the beach at Scarborough to win him admittance .
16 In 1878 The Royal Agricultural Society reported in their journal : ‘ This farm , in fact , has all the requisites of a prize farm , and we had therefore very great pleasure in awarding First Prize ( in all England ) to Mr Long who will , we feel certain , consider it a recognition of the untiring industry shown by himself and his wife in the management of this pretty little farm … the arable land is cultivated like a garden , being wonderfully free from weeds .
17 Another thing he did was picture himself and his wife in the drawing room receiving dinner guests .
18 Coleridge 's first meeting with Tom Poole lasted less than a day , but in that short time Coleridge was expansive both on the subject of himself and his plans for the future .
19 Finally , in 1544 Stumpe consolidated his interest in the property by paying over £1,500 for a royal grant to himself and his heirs of the whole site of the abbey .
20 Mr Smith said the Premier had not just humiliated himself and his Government through the sterling crisis — he had humiliated Britain .
21 It was strange , but he imagined that at such times as this , when there was only himself and his mother in the house , the building had left its base and was afloat in the air .
22 At a press conference shortly before the presidential elections in 1965 , de Gaulle had defended himself and his regime against the accusation of " personal power " .
23 The only rigour in Hennigian cladistics is produced by the straitjacket of assumptions that Hennig has fastened on himself and his version of the subject , which effectively separates it from having anything to do with evolution .
24 And in his lengthy poem on virginity , the Consolatoria de castitatis laude , he revealed the commitment of himself and his family to the ascetic life .
25 Huy could not guess by what means Reni had saved himself and his family from the debacle that followed Akhenaten 's fall ; but he knew many good men whose ruin had been the price the scribe had paid to be sitting here now , and the thought tempered his sympathy .
26 A rich Christian would wisely put himself and his purse under the guidance of a prudent and austere spiritual director , pointing him along the path to perfection .
27 The policy of centralization and definition of royal rights adopted by the last Capetians exposed the incompatibility between the French insistence on the full rights of suzerainty and the English king 's desire for freedom of action for himself and his officials in the duchy .
28 He explained the difference in approach between himself and his colleagues in the following words : His approach , based on ‘ the facts of social geography , the requirements of functional effectiveness and the conditions of democratic viability in relation to one another ’ ( Senior 1969:5 ) led him to adopt a two-tier structure with 35 directly elected regional authorities and 148 district authorities .
29 But , apart from there 's not been a great deal of er anthropological study of gypsies a as an ethnic group and you know , studying their and their relationship with the the common population .
30 If you are able to meet my clients ' price expectations by revising your offer , I would then propose that you meet with them this month to exchange their and your thoughts for the future .
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