Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [verb] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Participants listened to the story read at an even pace of around 120 words per minute and had to write down all the errors they could detect as they heard them or insert the missing word .
2 Indeed , Robert Trivers in the original path breaking paper of his that launched the whole theory of parent offspring conflict , without knowing it , predicted it .
3 We should remind ourselves that to accept the comprehensive ideal does not entail extremes of mixed-ability teaching .
4 It means that we can be involved straightaway with patient 's management when they 're admitted to hospitals within the Oxfordshire region , and so decisions can be made between the referring doctors and ourselves as regards the best policy of treatment .
5 When labour has finished , the world celebrates with gifts of knitted pastels and flowers in ceramic baby booties , nothing that acknowledges the momentous nature of this event : the forging and re-forging or three people .
6 He met the old T'ang 's eyes , a look of understanding passing between them that escaped the young Prince 's notice .
7 Barth himself later said that he had been like a man who , tripping in the darkness of the church tower , had accidentally caught hold of the bell-rope to steady himself and alarmed the whole countryside .
8 After the resignation of John St Luce as Finance Minister on Feb. 22 , the Prime Minister had taken on the Finance portfolio himself and presented the 1991 budget to Parliament on March 7 , giving only an outline of the proposals instead of a detailed budget speech .
9 It could only make for bad blood between the Li clan and himself and shatter the age-old ties between their families .
10 Our rambling sketcher did n't , alas , go in himself and record the young phenomenon with his pencil ; but he waited while a French cavalryman paid his penny farthing , entered the caravan , and emerged mouthing ‘ some very choice Norman phraseology ’ .
11 We see therefore that Boltzmann 's superposition integral is a special case of a more general functional relationship between stress and deformation gradient in which and has the special form in which the kernel function K1 contains t and only in the combination ( t — ) .
12 To this the Queen returned a gracious reply which while maintaining the full impartiality of the Crown encouraged me to continue to do my best to serve her as her First Minister .
13 Afterwards she repented it bitterly , but she was hopeless at apologizing : instead of retracting her feelings , what she always did was to say that she was sorry for expressing them , a kind of amends that costs nothing and carries the built-in rebuke that the other person is unable to bear the truth .
14 And do you know , ’ he leaned across the table staring at me and tapping the open file softly with his huge fingers , ‘ if tomorrow I decide to release one of them , there will be over three times as much paper-work . ’
15 But you 'd do better to come down with me and make the long trip round . ’
16 You do n't overtake , you just keep an eye on me and keep the same distance away .
17 In his speech , Charles praised my ‘ sterling contribution ’ to the school and shortly after it Paul came up to me and made the touching suggestion that I should give some classes in the summer term — if I was still free .
18 Come with me and meet the other teachers .
19 Now she stood beside me and watched the white Lincoln drive out of the boatyard .
20 The same principle can be drawn from all of them and help the troubled find meaning and purpose in their lives .
21 The discounts can be 13 per cent or more , a good return for whoever buys them and recovers the full face value a year later from the issuing bank .
22 A number of pupils and staff are away on a four-day school trip and efforts were being made today to contact them and break the dreadful news .
23 The Arab states , with the exception of Lebanon and possibly Egypt , might well have resettled the bulk of the refugees , had Israel accepted the principle of the right of return by receiving back about one-quarter of them and had the international community generously funded resettlement .
24 The Hearthwares and Myrcans were greeted with friendliness and something like relief by the people they came upon — merchants in covered carts , farmers with flocks and herds , women bent under loads of firewood or water , children trailing behind them and eyeing the armoured figures on the big horses in wonder .
25 There are so many paths and old miners ' tracks around this area of Swaledale that you could spend years walking them and exploring the old workings and still not cover them all .
26 Sadly for them , their response to it works against them and encourages the very behaviour they fear most .
27 In fact any intervention with the playing of the game will distort prices , reduce the information contained in them and prevent the full adjustment which is a part and parcel of the creation of wealth in a market economy .
28 He cut the last of them and followed the red thread back to its source .
29 Although such findings are not in dispute , and of course are rarely undertaken in areas where public antagonism to the institution is known to run high , there is continual pressure to replicate them and repeat the consoling message .
30 He could have sat down with only one of them and achieved the same guidance on weight and machining capability , but three of them came to the meeting , which he thought typical of engineers .
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