Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [verb] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With other feelings we may be burdened by their strength , yet still be free enough to choose whether we express them to others by word or action , indulge them or keep a tight rein on them .
2 This is largely the result of a dramatic increase in the level of reported and detected crime over the same period , though it also reflects decisions by the police and prosecuting authorities to deal with such offenders by means of prosecuting them instead of cautioning them or taking no further action .
3 Participants listened to the story read at an even pace of around 120 words per minute and had to write down all the errors they could detect as they heard them or insert the missing word .
4 A certain firm famous for their ‘ bags ’ trouser suits , used to do an extensive line of grey anoraks , but they obviously had a visit from the style police and were made to put bits of navy blue and red in them or face a lengthy jail sentence .
5 Indeed , Robert Trivers in the original path breaking paper of his that launched the whole theory of parent offspring conflict , without knowing it , predicted it .
6 We should remind ourselves that to accept the comprehensive ideal does not entail extremes of mixed-ability teaching .
7 Somehow we break through the barrier of mental blocks with which we tend to limit ourselves and find a greater freedom of both performance and attitude .
8 It means that we can be involved straightaway with patient 's management when they 're admitted to hospitals within the Oxfordshire region , and so decisions can be made between the referring doctors and ourselves as regards the best policy of treatment .
9 It must not be thought that such differences are mere matters of imagination , and that we take the sensations to be different because we represent each of them to ourselves as occupying a different place .
10 She saw three public houses and a shop selling papers , but nothing that looked a likely candidate .
11 When labour has finished , the world celebrates with gifts of knitted pastels and flowers in ceramic baby booties , nothing that acknowledges the momentous nature of this event : the forging and re-forging or three people .
12 To me that lacks a certain degree of intellect and although we have n't made any abrasively bold political statements as such , I think people can guage where we stand . ’
13 But that six Rose , I 'm not criticising , well I am criticising , to me that seems an awful lot of money .
14 It worries me that turning a blind eye to the deliberate starvation of these patients is portrayed as contributing in some way to the high ethical standards of the nursing profession . ’
15 He met the old T'ang 's eyes , a look of understanding passing between them that escaped the young Prince 's notice .
16 Enjoying my fishing , including the enjoyment I would have derived from seeing a friend catch , is more important to me than compiling a longer list of big fish than anyone else .
17 It is uncertain whether he composed this song himself or adapted an existing poem to the mocking , sentimental tone that was his and was already regarded as typical of Dublin .
18 She will recognize that the client is repeating himself or demanding a particular reaction from her .
19 Now here he was in Simanggang with his mosquito nets , journals , chronometers , compasses , barometer , medicine cabinet , guns and one offspring , out to cure himself or discover a New Way of Thought , whichever would cause most trouble in a world already tormented by too much belief .
20 It used to hurt me that an African who was considered good enough to hand the cement to the man to lay the bricks could n't get the opportunity to lay the bricks himself and become a qualified tradesman . "
21 ( a ) The sub-contractor is encouraged to measure the work himself and submit a detailed account to the surveyor together with any daywork sheets signed by the general foreman .
22 Barth himself later said that he had been like a man who , tripping in the darkness of the church tower , had accidentally caught hold of the bell-rope to steady himself and alarmed the whole countryside .
23 It seems to me that he ca n't be that unhappy because he 's currently managing twelve vacancies deliberately , in order to produce underspend so that he can re-surface his car park , maintain privileged restaurants for his erm , senior officers , chauffeur driven car for himself and build a new hangar for his helicopter .
24 ‘ Spielberg is a games fanatic himself and has a hands-on involvement to ensure the final result is as faithful as possible to his original idea .
25 After the resignation of John St Luce as Finance Minister on Feb. 22 , the Prime Minister had taken on the Finance portfolio himself and presented the 1991 budget to Parliament on March 7 , giving only an outline of the proposals instead of a detailed budget speech .
26 Upon entering , he had braced himself and executed a formal salute .
27 Our rambling sketcher did n't , alas , go in himself and record the young phenomenon with his pencil ; but he waited while a French cavalryman paid his penny farthing , entered the caravan , and emerged mouthing ‘ some very choice Norman phraseology ’ .
28 We see therefore that Boltzmann 's superposition integral is a special case of a more general functional relationship between stress and deformation gradient in which and has the special form in which the kernel function K1 contains t and only in the combination ( t — ) .
29 To this the Queen returned a gracious reply which while maintaining the full impartiality of the Crown encouraged me to continue to do my best to serve her as her First Minister .
30 Afterwards she repented it bitterly , but she was hopeless at apologizing : instead of retracting her feelings , what she always did was to say that she was sorry for expressing them , a kind of amends that costs nothing and carries the built-in rebuke that the other person is unable to bear the truth .
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