Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So anything that the landlo er the rich peasant owns and works himself or cultivates by hired labour you 're going to allow to keep .
2 The baby had been endeavouring with grim determination to haul himself from the floor on to Alexandra 's knee , gripping handfuls of her skirts to assist himself and heaving with astonishing strength .
3 An example of Wimsatt 's ( 1958 : 147 — 8 ) is what he calls the metaphor , and many would call the simile , in the last line of this passage from Donne 's ‘ A Valediction : forbidding mourning ’ ( like Eliot , the New Critics were particularly attached to the Metaphysical poets ) : The comparison between the lovers ' separation and the hammering of gold into leaf-form brings together two terms which are clearly quite different and therefore might justifiably be described as opposites ; and the conjunction of meanings thus established creates a series of connections ( the relationship between the separated lovers is like gold leaf in that it is ethereal ( ‘ ayery ’ ) , delicate , easily damaged , but at the same time precious , pure , bright , etc. ) , which when related to real experience possesses considerable illuminating force .
4 Then she raised her face to me and said with sad seriousness ,
5 She made an effort and pulled herself together , drawing away from them and saying with great dignity and a careful enunciation of her words , ‘ You must not q-quarrel , you two .
6 Magnus and the Alsatian , attracted by the noise , came running over and began leaping up at them and barking in wild excitement , their panting mouths leaving clouds in the chill air .
7 And that is exactly how they look — like things that jump out of the dark and land without a body feeling them and burrow into living flesh , flesh they have numbed with preliminary injections , and … suck .
8 The research project seeks also to compare court officials ' , creditors ' and debtors ' perceptions of the enforcement system itself and to contribute towards sociological understanding of the nature of enforcement processes as an aspect of the legal system neglected in previous socio-legal research .
9 Following mainstream psychology 's prescriptions , it presents itself as committed to good methodology .
10 This was not done for imperial purposes , but once the navy had been developed it affected everything that happened in English policy .
11 She really wanted a cup of tea and she knew perfectly well that Glyn would serve her up something that looked like brown shoe polish .
12 She poked again — dug right down to the bottom and up through the shambles came something that signalled with painful clarity .
13 He served not only on the Royal Commission for the reform of Oxford , but also on the one that looked into scientific education , and drafted most of its final report .
14 Bungay is a , is an historic and a delightful town and one that qualifies on environmental ground alone for a bypass , I refer to paper T one , erm which is er , paper of the ninth of January nineteen ninety two , and if you refer to little B , seven , five bypasses for towns and villages where there is serious and environmental intrusion by through traffic .
15 This process is not only one that occurs in everyday life , but has also to be carried out by scientists in the laboratory , or by coroners in coroners ' courts ( Atkinson 1978 ) .
16 One that lives in tight-knit family groups with a well worked out hierarchy and a complex communication system ?
17 In Major League Baseball it is one that comes with Hollywood-sized pay .
18 This ruling mirrored the previous one but applied to occupational pension schemes as opposed to the then state retirement ages .
19 Even more importantly though , the feeling of freedom that travelling gave Zeng had such a profound effect on him that returning to normal life with his work unit seemed practically unthinkable .
20 Louis leaned towards him and said with enormous venom , ‘ You 're in my way . ’
21 Bradley turned to him and said with sudden vehemence :
22 Too late she remembered about the steep bank behind her and stepped into thin air .
23 The crew nodded at her and yelled in bloodthirsty assent .
24 Finally he moved his chair nearer to her and said with great feeling , ‘ I once thought that he was a liar and a thief .
25 He had turned on her and said with cold savagery , ‘ For fuck 's sake , stop kicking me , will you ? ’
26 If there is a child at school with HIV or AIDS , perhaps born with it or caused from infected blood transfusions , your child is not at risk from everyday contact .
27 He walked unhurriedly to the bottom of it and peered down Orange Street .
28 Joan Waters was included in it and acted as chief spokesman .
29 After a pause Perkin put his back towards Gareth and his face down near mine and asked with perfect calmness , ‘ Do you know who shot you ? ’
30 He punched a volley which almost drove Chang into the court surrounds , yet the American not only reached it but responded at full stretch with a perfect lob ; quick-witted as well as fleet-footed play .
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