Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [vb past] [adv prt] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 I eventually came round in the Chamden General Hospital and on the slab next to me was club chairman , Ken Mentle , an oxygen pump beside him , a nurse frantically thumping his chest and Ken rambling deliriously about a Micky Deere scorcher from the penalty spot which had given us victory .
2 Yesterday , I incautiously sat down in the library in a chair just vacated by Colonel Fagg , and discovered later that the back of my entire uniform was covered in snuff .
3 But the most important thing I thought was the thought process I mean just just saying this while you were just going on I just jotted down in the same way you could come off with three ideas that around and I felt that was that was ideal .
4 I just came out in a sweat . ’
5 I had intended to go to Downing Street , but then I thought I could n't bear it if old Chamberlain came out waving a bit of paper and smiling his death 's head smile , so I just lay down in the park instead .
6 And now a shabby mischance had destroyed it , knocked down the precarious walls of my prison , I still sat on in the wreckage and kept my eyes closed , safe behind broken bars .
7 Course I immediately darted back in the house and told me dad and well , and er he says er , you can look out for some trouble then now like , you know and er , nothing happened .
8 I then went on in the proper sequence to the pitch control : " And this reduces the pitch . "
9 So while the island of Krakatoa ended up considerably smaller , Yerlaten Island and Lang Island ended up much bigger , due to the accumulation on them of enormous volumes of ash , which also piled up in the sea to form ‘ sand ’ banks .
10 These figures take no account of the numbers employed in ancillary activities , such as delivery-men , cab-drivers , and employees of businesses like shops , cafes , and hotels , which regularly sprang up in the environs of the great railway termini .
11 And she suddenly turned back in the direction they had come and ran all the way , her wet shift slapping against her bare legs .
12 Signe said , ‘ That man who just flew off in the aeroplane taught me some words of Latin . ’
13 She quickly sat up in the bed , the blanket wrapped round her .
14 And wherever she might wander , she always set out in the same direction .
15 He could n't possibly see her in the darkness , but she still shrank down in the seat — then felt her eyes widen when he stripped off his jacket and started to unbutton his shirt .
16 His departure , combined with those of Chris Kearney and Jason Fogerty who both fouled out in the last five minutes , proved crucial to the outcome .
17 She often got up in the night .
18 She frequently sat up in the wee sma' hours staring out of the window .
19 He 'd stayed some three hundred yards away from her when she actually crossed over in the golf course into er a wooded area .
20 She felt he was looking at her professionally now : a woman who had only had two cups of coffee for breakfast , who had not gone shopping or taken herself out to lunch as she had planned , who , in the old days , never seemed to waste a minute , who never laid down in the middle of the day and yet was now stretched out on the bed , inert , apathetic , openly admitting that she had n't realised the time .
21 ‘ Don and I were near the top , ’ Steve explains , ‘ but we just saw down in the snow and Don pulled out a bottle of booze .
22 We finally set out in the evening .
23 We also worked out in the end a system whereby Brian would react to my jump rather than I react to his throw .
24 But when the Daily Mirror uncovered startling evidence of a shocking cocaine racket on the Queen 's doorstep we almost ended up in the dock ourselves .
25 The only whites in the area were winos and dealers , and they mostly ended up in the river .
26 The curators of the grand US museums like the Metropolitan look down their noses at these shows , but the citizens of Memphis are pleased as can be , because before WONDERS they just felt out in the boondocks .
27 Well , they always moved off in the end , though they often stayed a while , as this one did , whistling through their teeth , like standup comics about to risk another joke .
28 They simply wandered around in the dark , placing their bombs on the parked aircraft until they ran out of them .
29 It looked like a piece of Above technology — something they never saw out in the fields — but he would not have liked to have guessed just what .
30 Before the worst was over and the pound began to depreciate again , some twenty per cent of them had gone for ever , and a further ten per cent were so weakened that they too shut down in the next two years .
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