Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [adj] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For the most part , however , the solution will lie more on the managers ' side than the shareholders ' : the managers need to be given incentives that make them less likely to make the colossal errors of the 1960s .
2 I played outside , running around in a pair of shorts and — I imagine-quite happy to have the whole pregnancy thing going on because it gave me more freedom to do as I liked about the house and garden , free from my father 's supervision .
3 Someone else eager to leave the happy occasion .
4 Well we have , you maybe surprised to learn the 5th costliest defence in the country , valued at stlg9.3m ( excepting the aberration of Ipswich who have Marshall in the defense valued at stlg3m , when he is actually playing up front ) .
5 In the end , though , we are reminded that The Smiths ' four proper albums represented these songs in far more forceful contexts , from the arrogant hesitation of ‘ The Smiths ’ through to the extraordinary confidence , wit and power of ‘ The Queen Is Dead ’ and onwards , we notice that things like ‘ Reel Around The Fountain ’ just do n't sit comfortably in the middle of a Fun Corporate Pop album , and in the end we say ‘ Are you too idle to buy the proper original records rather than fork out for ‘ Best …
6 His strategy is the one most likely to guarantee the maximum number of his own offspring .
7 Many horses may do one thing , but others will do something quite different to express the same emotion .
8 She had , of late , felt herself uncannily able to predict the next word , the next move , in any dialogue : she could hear and take in three conversations at once : she could see remotely as through a two-way mirror the private lives of her patients , sometimes of her friends : she had felt reality to be revealed to her at times in flashes beyond even the possibility of rational calculation : had felt in danger ( why danger ? ) of too much knowledge , of a kind of powerlessness and sadness that is born of knowledge : for these reasons , perhaps , was it that she had decided to multiply the possibilities so recklessly , to construct a situation beyond her own grasping ?
9 Chamberlain and I were inclined to be impatient when we saw him so reluctant to take the only course which seemed to us possible . ’
10 ‘ I 've seen the way you look at him — and frankly we 've all found it rather embarrassing to see the lovesick look on your face whenever he 's anywhere near you .
11 On the whole I found it less tiring to keep the two of them apart .
12 Nevertheless Sadig Faris , of the Thomas J. Watson Research Center at Yorktown Heights , New York , believes that its other properties could make it sufficiently attractive to provide the necessary cooling .
13 Not only is it extremely easy to go the wrong way , and indeed many businesses have foundered on the basis of one , usually inadvertent , mistaken direction , but all of us are aware that a lot of businesses are n't going anywhere at all .
14 ‘ Require a modification to the DC-10 cargo door locking system to make it physically impossible to position the external locking handle and vent door to their normal door locked positions unless the locking pins are fully engaged .
15 You will find three food charts in this book ( in addition to a calorie chart of drinks ) to make it triply easy to follow the new high-fibre low-calorie method of eating reduction and health benefit .
16 Only in the sub-discipline within archaeology called ethno-archaeology , where archaeologists worked in contemporary ethnographic situations in order to study the relationship between peoples and their material world , was it usually impossible to ignore the social basis of material culture ( e.g. Gould ed. 1978 ; Gould and Schiffer eds 1981 ; Hodder 1982a ; Kramer ed. 1979 ) .
17 Is he genuinely anxious to give the black majority full political rights , or is he simply interested in the survival of Afrikanerdom ?
18 The gradual consolidation of wealth in the party was making it more difficult to preserve the classless , " one nation " appeal to working-class supporters .
19 One further point of possible confusion : because venture capital from investors looking for capital gains is not available to co-operatives , they are likely to find it more difficult to raise the larger sums of money needed to start capital-intensive projects .
20 Nevertheless , is my hon. Friend the Minister not concerned about the growth in size of housing associations , which might make it more difficult to maintain the personal contact with tenants which is an important aspect of good housing management ?
21 It is an aspect of privacy we should take more seriously ; it may seem a frail distinction to draw when armed police can batter down your front door on suspicion that a wanted person may be inside , but at least it gives the possibility of some redress , and may make it more difficult to achieve the total surveillance of society .
22 Relatives of the boys murdered by Harris found it similarly gratifying to stand the other side of a thick glass window and watch Harris choke to death on cyanide gas .
23 In practice , many clergy found it as difficult to collect the full tithes as the Inland Revenue and Excise do their latter-day exactions ; increasingly the payments were commuted for cash rather than kind .
24 CAC also sees it as important to educate the new plant team in the philosophy of the company — ie economics , social and environmental concerns .
25 It is true that the establishment Whigs found it increasingly necessary to downplay the original contract and the right of resistance , and came to argue that resistance was only allowable in exceptionable circumstances , such as those of 1688 .
26 In recent years people have found it increasingly difficult to accept the conventional doctrines of Christianity , but a visionary like Julian penetrates the cerebral crust of the religious experience , which has little to do with logic and reason , to reach its core .
27 Companies find it increasingly difficult to attract the right people in the £14,000 to £18,000 range unless they offer a car .
28 However , it may take some considerable time to reach this target ; as the majority of DATEC courses are run in separate art colleges and these have been particularly squeezed by the current financial crisis , they are finding it particularly difficult to make the desired provision .
29 Two home defeats have dented Boro 's hopes of automatic promotion , and Lawrence said : ‘ Failure to get three points against Oxford would make it almost impossible to make the top two .
30 Wartime expansion of milk consumption took place for a third reason that related more to specific practical problems than to a new attitude on the part of policy-makers : simply , the disruptions of wartime made it virtually impossible to implement the pre-war means test criteria , such as the definition of a ‘ necessitous ’ child eligible for free milk , or the distinguishing of those children receiving cheap milk for the under-fives under section 2 of the 1939 Milk Industry Act .
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